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Namjoon woke a little later than he usually did. He groaned, falling onto his back. The mattress under him felt odd, unfamiliar. Then it hit him. "Shit I'm married now". He looked to his left, where across the room, on his bed lay the omega curled up, back towards him. Slowly he pushed the covers away, stepping down and tiptoed towards the cupboards. Glancing behind him, he made sure the omega was fast asleep before gently turning the handle as slowly as he could. He winced when it opened with a creek, immediately looking behind. Seokjin stirred in his sleep, muttering something. Namjoon froze in his spot. Thankfully, he settled back into the bed after moving around a little.

The alpha let out a breath he did not know he was holding. He reached into the cupboard, blindly groping for a decent outfit and when he did get his hands on one, he dashed into the bathroom, reminding himself to close the divider completely before going inside. Once done, he stepped and hurriedly dressed himself. After checking his appearance in the mirror, he silently left the room with a final glance at the omega. It did occur to him that he should wake the other up, but decided otherwise. Seokjin was the one who had left his family and moved into a stranger's home. He deserved more rest after what happened yesterday as well.

He opened the door, startled when he saw his mother standing outside. She open the mouth to say something but was silenced by the alpha, who stepped out and closed the door behind him. "Is he still asleep?" she asked. Namjoon nodded in response, "Let him sleep a little more. Yesterday really wore him out". He did not realize the it could be interpreted in a totally different way until his mother smirked. "Was it yesterday, or you who wore him out?" she asked, a little smirk on her face. "Ah No what are you saying mother" he almost yelled, backing away. "Nothing of that sort happened" he clarified, face reddening.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked. "I did not touch him". "Why?" his mother asked, puzzled. "Even if we are married, I do not know him mother. Nor does he know me. It would have been awkward". "So are you going to wait till you fall in love?" she pressed on. "That is not what I meant". "Then what did you mean?". "Oh my god eomma leave me alone!" he yelled, running to his study. Seo Hi chuckled at her flustered son, her heart now at peace seeing both her children married. She made her way to wake her younger son. Eunwoo had left late night despite their insistence to stay and leave the next day. Seizing the opportunity, Taehyung had decided that he would be staying in his own room for a few days before he left.

She opened the door, the reveal the young omega sitting by his bed, a large trunk thrown open with all his childhood belongings in it. After his marriage, she had taken great care to store away his prized belongings just like he had asked to. But the sight her disturbed her greatly. Taehyung held as small ring between his fingers, lost in thought. It was the ring given by that alpha. "Why do you still have that?" she questioned rather harshly. The other looked at her, startled by the anger in her voice. His enclosed the ring in his palm and held it to his chest, shrinking away from her. "Give it to me" she snapped. Taehyung did not oblige, staring at her, eyes filling with tears.


"I said give that to me!" she shouted, attempting to snatch it out of his hands. "NO" he yelled, pushing her hand away. The woman stepped back, stunned. Never in his life had Taehyung ever raised his voice at her. "You already took him away from me. At least let me keep his memory!" he cried, fist tightening around the small piece of jewelry. Hearing the ruckus, Jimin came running in. One glance at the trunk and he knew what it was about. He gently held his best friend in his arms, as the other buried his face in his chest and sobbed. Two years had passed and yet the heartbreak was fresh, the wounds hurt more than ever.

Seo Hi silently retreated out of the room, unable to stand her son's sobs. Jimin watched the door as his husband and Namjoon looked back with equal concern. It took him a lot of effort to not tear up, "It's going to be okay Tae" he whispered softly, gently patting his back. "It's not Jiminie. I am sick and tired of people telling me that it will be okay. It's not getting better at all" the omega said pulling away. Yoongi silently, closed the door to give the best friends privacy to talk it out. "It keeps getting miserable. Why does no one understand that I am not happy? I did not want to live my life like this" he sniffled.

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