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"Sir you should also see the rare emerald jewels that just arrived. We received the shipments today itself", the trader chirped leading his top customer outside the storage barn. Namjoon agrees reluctantly. Though his family always trades in food grains and market supplies, it wouldn't hurt to take a look at them. He wasn't going to buy of course, just wanted to check their quality incase he chose to involve himself in those as well.

They turned right and the alpha found himself being led into a large room, soft mattresses placed on the floor and almost packed with numerous other traders. Choi led him straight at the end, beckoning him to take a seat. The elder beta commanded the servant to bring some tea to which he declined politely. "These are one of our finest collections sir" the beta explained, placing wooden boxes on the table between them. "The stones are brought from the faraway lands and are very rare". Namjoon watched as Choi carefully broke the seal, a sign that he was the first customer to see the sets. It did not come as a surprise, given that Namjoon's family was connected to the Choi traders since generations. It began with Namjoon's great grandfather, who dared to step out of his own home and make something from scratch. After facing a lot of hardships and discrimination, he had finally succeeded in establishing himself as one of the top traders. Since then, Namjoon's family were connected to the Choi traders.

Due to them being different, most of the families in town avoided forming ties with his family. Not being connected to them was not an option as the Kim Family was known to be close to the royal family, but Namjoon never really had friends growing up. They did no have many visitors, nor were they invited to many different functions. The Choi traders were among the extremely few families that were aware of this. It was obvious that everyone in the capital knew about his family, so leaving that place and coming out to different towns provided a much needed relief to him. He was used to being treated different and feared by all and outside, when he was treated as any other common man delighted him.

Namjoon himself knew at first glance, people seemed to be afraid of him. He was tall, towering above most people and well built which made him more daunting. His facial features were sharp, eyes like those of a hawk, a thin long nose that complemented the full lips and jawline. The alpha was known to maintain a stoic expression at all times. He spoke less and to the point, often blunt which was misunderstood by many. Not many people knew him as he made no attempt to mix with others and had a limited set of friends. The young Namjoon, was a bright and outgoing kid. But alas! It was the irony of the world he was born in that changed him. The society in general always asks people to be different and standout, but when Namjoon was born different and just like his whole family, he was pushed aside and labeled a monster, a shifter. He had gotten so used to the hidden taunts, glances, rumors and stares when he walked around the town that it did not matter anymore.

"They are beautiful" the alpha commented, taking in the intricate carvings. Numerous sets were placed in front of him, some were necklaces with bracelets, others with rings and earrings. The artistry and delicacy with which the pieces had been crafted was admirable. The beta grinned at his customer's expression. Out of all the sets, a particular one caught his eye. It was a single piece, a ring in fact. Namjoon was mesmerized by it for some reason. It was simple, a small emerald securely fit into the prongs, the shank being made of gold. It was simple and delicate. "How much for this?", he asked.

Around half and hour later, Namjoon left for home, the ring in a box which was securely placed in his bag. He opened his notebook, scribbling down the day's transactions and estimating expenses. On the way, he had to drop a large parcel at Sari village which happened to be the home of his friend Yoongi as well. Namjoon was exhausted and wanted to return home as soon as he could. Travelling for days for business wasn't something he was particularly fond of and he longed to finally sleep in his bed. Despite all the reasons to return early, Namjoon couldn't find himself to leave without meeting Yoongi. That man had begged him so many times to visit often and even though he did not like to admit it, him and Yoongi had grown distant since the latter got married and moved to Sari village. And so, he made up his mind to visit him for a few hours.

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