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"It has been four months for your marriage Jin-ah. I hope that by now you know all of your mate's preferences?" his mother asked. The mentioned omega shyly nodded his head, Dami chuckling as she lightly pulled at his red ears, making him whine.

"Tell us what does he like then? Or you want to keep it just to yourself?" Dami teased. "Alpha.. he might look intimidating but he is not like that at all times. Oh! And he loves to read. He has a big study where he meets his clients that come to visit and where he works when he is home. It has large bookshelves on both sides completely packed with books. That is one of my favorite rooms in the mansion" he replied. 

"I assume you sit there doing your own thing while he works?" his father questioned. One look in his eyes and Seokjin knew he could not answer that he was also reading books like his mate, so he nodded at his words. 

Four days had passed without any incident on Seokjin's part. There was an impromptu visit by Sunghoon and his family so the household had been busy in the preparations for their arrival. Seokjin had been roped in, just like the old times and spent most of his day reviewing the cleaning of the house and deciding on the menus. Jungkook dropped by once, showing up at the door again in the morning and he had taken upon himself to assist Seokjin in anyway he could, skillfully avoiding the mention of his husband in front of him.

In the process, the topic of Namjoon never came up, because he rarely saw his parents in the same room during the day. Maybe he did once or twice have an opportunity to talk to them, but hesitated, not wanting to add to their worries. The dinner was a success, as he watched the family leave, pleased with their hospitality, the males slightly unsteady on their feet after being fed round after round of drinks that his father had specially selected. 

Currently, he sat in his parents bedroom along with his sisters, mainly catching up whatever he had missed in the past four months before going to bed. His father had his feet resting on his lap, receiving a massage, like Seokjin did when he was kid. The success of the night was evident on their faces as all of his family was visibly relaxed. There would be no better opportunity then this.

"Appa why did you not tell me that they were shifters?" he asked, the chatter of his sisters dying down as all the attention in the room was directed towards him. His father tapped his arm with his foot to resume after the brief pause that he had taken. 

After a long moment, Junho sighed, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. "I do not know how to explain this to you". "Is it not obvious to you Seokjin? No one told you because you are always afraid of everything. I'm surprised it took you so long to find out" Hyein interrupted, receiving a smack in the head from Dami. 

"Well Hyein is right to a certain extent. You do get scared extremely easily Seokjin" the alpha pointed out. "But the main reason was that we were more afraid of what your reaction would be. After what your mother told me, you do not like the fact that this was hidden from you. We meant no harm to you dear but what had to be done, had to be done" he said firmly. 

"I know the whatever the fortune teller told you that day must be making you doubt your husband and his family, but let me tell you one thing Seokjin-ah, their words are always twisted. There lies a deeper meaning under them, the one that people like us might never understand. So do not take their words at face value or they will cause you pain instead. Tell me has Namjoon-ssi ever said something to you that left you uncomfortable?". Seokjin shook his head.

"Has anyone in the family treated or still treats you like you are an outsider? Are you made to work like a slave there?" she asked. Seokjin shook his head to all the questions. 

"They are good people Jin-ah. We knew that the moment we met them. They may be savages but the are people of character. Why would your parents decide to give you away to a family who does not deserve you? Another reason for accepting their proposal was that they are so much more wealthy then we are. I am sure you have understood that by now. We wanted you to live a life full of comfort, to live like a prince. Do not be so hard on us dear, it was all for your good" she explained. 

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