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Mentions of violence. Please stop reading if you feel uncomfortable. 

Seokjin stifled a yawn as he stretched in his seat, looking to the side to find Taehyung still fast asleep. The group had encountered some problems due to sudden heavy rain, causing a delay of an hour. The carriage rocked from side to side as they made their way through the dense forest, the road, now wet slowly their speed further. Seokjin was still asked to not open the windows, and the doors were locked from outside for their safety. He vaguely remembered the incident behind it involving an idiotic noble who thought she could do anything and fell out of a moving carriage. 

The carriage slowed to a halt and Seokjin sighed, thinking another carriage got stuck in the mud once again. He closed his eyes, trying to fall back asleep, envying his brother-in-law who was still knocked out. Taehyung looked adorable with his lips set into a pout while he slept. Everything was cute about the younger omega. 

He tries to fall back into dreamland, hoping to catch at least and hour long sleep so that he was comfortably awake for what ever that was going to happen at the Gem Palace. Even the idea of meeting the Queen in person, having his so close to him was enough to make him jittery. Moreover, it was his first time meeting her! So he pressed himself against the back of the seat, curling his legs in front of him, leaned his head to the side and closed his eyes.  

Seokjin was then startled awake but a loud bang, close to them. Taehyung blinked, clearly puzzled by what was happening, turning towards Seokjin who sat frozen on his seat.

Multiple screams filled the air, those that Seokjin recognized, belonging to the guards. Some thing was wrong. Something was incredibly wrong, which is why Seokjin instinctively wrapped his arms around the younger omega, bringing him to his chest. 

"What is happening hyung?" Taehyung yelled, distress clear in his scent, mirroring Seokjin's horrified expression as he shook his head. "We must get out!" he said, reaching for the handle only to be yanked back by Seokjin, forced onto his seat. "It's locked from outside. We have choice but to wait" the elder said, covering his ears as the gunfire outside increased. 

His ears were ringing and his grip on Taehyung tightened as it suddenly went quiet. Taehyung peeked out from where he was hiding his face in Seokjin's neck, still shaking from the ruckus. From where he rested on his chest, he could hear the elder's heart beating loudly, the sourness in his scent clearly indicating how scared he was. Still, Seokjin held him tight, shielding Taehyung will his whole body.

His arms unconsciously tightened around the elder, determined that no matter what happened, he was going to keep his hyung safe. Taehyung's eyes widened as he heard another scream, this time not a man, but that of a woman. 

He and Seokjin stared at each other, paralyzed by fear as men could be heard screaming around. A moment later, their carriage door was yanked violently open, revealing a man standing outside. He held a torch in his hand, casting a shadow over his covered face, menacing eyes staring at him. 

Seokjin shrieked and scooted away as he grabbed his arm, struggling against his vice like grip. However, just then, another man appeared behind him, their combined strength proving too much for Seokjin as he was yanked out and thrown to the ground. 

"Hyung!" Taehyung screamed, as he was dragged away by one of the men, reaching out to the elder omega. "Tae!" Seokjin stood up, attempting to chase the younger only to be stopped by an arm wrapping around him. Bile rose to his throat as he kicked and screamed, directing as his strength in getting the hand off him. "No. Please no" he pleaded, begging the man to let him go, terrified by the way he laughed and slapped him. 

His face flew to the side, coughing and sputtering as he lost balance and slammed into a tree. He groaned, the stinging sensation growing stronger on his lower lip. With shaking fingers, he touched it, feeling warm liquid. "Come here you little shit" the man behind him snarled. 

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