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A few days later...

Seokjin woke up buried in his alpha's arms, under the covers. It had become common for them to wake up tangled together, as if they couldn't keep themselves away from each other when they were asleep. Sometimes, Seokjin woke up with his face smushed into the alpha's chest and other times, he woke up with Namjoon's arm around him, face buried in his neck, breath ticklish and back pressed to the rock hard chest. 

He smiled, slowly unwrapping himself, reluctantly pulling himself out of the alpha's grasp, pushing the covers away and stepping out of the bed. Namjoon grumbled, stirring in his sleep before falling quiet again. Seokjin took a moment to admire the sleeping form of his husband. Chapped lips parted as he snored lightly, dark fringes falling over his forehead, covering his closed eyes. He stood by the bed for a few moments, letting himself have the luxury if admiring his husband while he remained unaware of it. Namjoon was insanely attractive even in his sleep and Seokjin had accepted his attraction towards the alpha that was only growing stronger.

He silently padded to the bathroom after selecting his attire for the day. Once ready, he slipped out of the room to review the breakfast preparation. It was partly because he needed fresh air to build up courage for what he was going to ask the alpha to do.

Namjoon was giving his hair final comb when a small knock sounded at the door, his beautiful husband stepping, a bright smile on his face. "Good morning" he greeted, eyes twinkling as he walked closer. "Good morning" he greeted back, smiling when the omega shyly fixed his collar, adorably blushing when their gaze met. The first three buttons of Namjoon's shirt were open, revealing the hard pecs, the sleeve fitting him just right to highlight the bulging biceps every time he flexed his muscles, something he had been doing often since he caught on to Seokjin's fancy for his muscles.

"Breakfast is ready" he whispered, heart fluttering wildly as he averted his gaze to hand the alpha his wallet, something he tended to forget often, which is why, Seokjin had taken upon himself to remind him everyday. 

Namjoon reached for his jacket placed on the chair. Seokjin's eyes widened. He did not know that the alpha was going to wear it today! He was about to stop him, but it was too late. The alpha paused in the middle of slipping an arm into a sleeve, narrowing his eyes at the piece of clothing in his hands. 

Slowly, he brought it to his nose and sniffed, sense immediately overwhelmed by the scent of his omega. He turned towards the raven haired who was looking at him like a deer caught in headlights, averting his gaze. 

It was silent for a few moments. Seokjin thought he had offended the alpha by scenting his jacket without his permission. Maybe he did not like going out smelling like an omega, even if that omega was his husband. He cursed himself under his breath for being stupid and not thinking it through. 

He inched away when the alpha stood in front of him, dreading what might possibly happen. His face was titled up and he was taken aback by the fact that Namjoon was wearing the same jacket, now softy smiling at him. Seokjin wanted to squeal in delight and run around the room as familiar spark shot across his body, shyly pushing the man away who merely chuckled at the poor attempt to hide his practically flaming face. 

"Let's go?" Namjoon asked, offering him his hand, frowning when the omega did not take it, instead fidgeting in his place. "What's the matter?" he asked. Seokjin muttered something incoherently under his breath. 


"Can you scent me?" Seokjin almost yelled, face burning as he looked away, clutching his loose t-shirt tightly, eyes shut. For a long moment, there was no response from the alpha and Seokjin did not dare to look at him, already dreading the worst possible reaction from the other. 

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