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Warning: Mentions of sexual assault (Won't be describing everything don't worry) and violence. Stop reading if you feel uncomfortable

Hoseok held his hand up, ordering the group to pause in their path. "They're close" he said, pointing to direction where the lights shone in the distance. He gestured his band of men to follow him as they crept on the unsuspecting castaways. 

The descended the small hill cautiously, keeping the noise of dry leaves being crushed under their feet minimal. Hoseok held up his fist, the men immediately coming to a halt. A gesture from the leader had them, looking ahead, blood boiling as they watched alphas drag screaming omegas into different huts. 

Hoseok tried not to think too much about Taehyung, although his mind unconsciously reminded him of the worst possibilities while his eyes searched for a glimpse of his beloved. He shook them out, opting to focus on task at hand, knowing that the sooner they were able to penetrate the defense, the faster he would be able to save him. He had a promise to keep to Namjoon. 

He raised a finger, turning it in circles, the soldiers understanding his signal nodded and scattered to take their positions. The leader beckoned the remaining two of them, pointing an alpha that stood guard in the outside perimeter. The archer nodded, treading ahead and pulling out his bow. Silently, he aimed it at the alpha, the zipping sound after it's release cutting through the night. Before the guard could comprehend anything, his body fell on the ground, the arrow going right through his neck, giving him a quick death.  

Seokjin cried out as he was roughly pushed into the hut, the man stepping inside and shutting the door behind him

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Seokjin cried out as he was roughly pushed into the hut, the man stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. He stood up, pressing a hand on the are of his head which he banged on the floor, eyes squeezed shut as he willed the world to stop spinning. Before he could react any further, he was yanked by the collar, whimpering when the alpha breathed on his face. 

His scent was revolting, making Seokjin physically recoil at his touch. His touch was rough, bruising as he manhandled the omega, ripping the coat he wore over the hanbok. A part of Seokjin's heart broke as the torn piece of cloth fell to the floor, crying out for help, hoping that miraculously, Namjoon would break the door open and save him. He pushed the man off his body, running towards the door, screaming as an arm wrapped around his waist, pinning him to the wall. 

Fingers wrapped around his lips, muffling his calls for help. "Shut up! No one is coming to save you here little omega. Not the military and definitely not your mate. By the time they realise where you are, we would already be done" he laughed, a wicked glint in his eyes as his fingers left his mouth, grabbing his hair and yanking his face behind, a pained cry leaving his lips at the force. 

Tears ran down his cheeks as the alpha before him laughed in disbelief while staring at his bare neck. He squeezed his eyes shut the man forced his face to the side, shiver running down his spine as the alpha leant in, his breath ghosting over the unmarked scent gland. "An unmated one even after marriage! That's a new one. You smell so good omega. It must be my lucky day, haven't seen a pretty unmarked thing like you in a long time. Looks like we are going to have a lot of fun tonight bitch" he chuckled, pulling the omega towards the bed. 

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