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Jimin smiled as Mrs. Kim welcomed him and his husband with open arms. Yoongi had that smile of his which Jimin rarely saw being around anyone other than him. He remembered the day after their wedding when he was first appropriately introduced to the Kim family by Yoongi himself. At that time, Taehyung wasn't married to Eunwoo. He had immediately taken liking to the little omega who was friendly much like his mother. Instantly, he had felt welcome in the home, their behavior emitting warmth that made him feel home. The way Yoongi interacted with all of them made it obvious how they were. Namjoon had been very intimidating at first glace, he was silent most of the time around him, more like observing him. Only after a few visits later would the alpha start opening up to him. He was one of the few people who had sided with him in many of the fights that he and Yoongi had in the initial days of their marriage. When Yoongi had finally told him their secret, Jimin sympathized with them. It was upsetting to know how something so natural and out of their control made society shun them.

In a short span, he and Taehyung had become close friends and even after he saw him today after almost a year, it seemed like nothing changed in between them. After Taehyung's marriage, Yoongi had decided to shift to another town, as it had better opportunity for his business. He recalled the day when he broke the news to his best friend and they cried together. Even Namjoon was upset that they were leaving. Even after trying their best, they could not visit as often as they would like too.

Currently, Taehyung was squeezing the life out him making him burst into giggle he was smothered by his affection. He had to admit that missed the omega more than he could express. Namjoon grinned as he welcomed him with a pat on the head, gently ruffling his hair. "How have you been Jimin?" he asked. "Good" he answered with a smile. "Congratulations Namjoon-ah for your marriage" he said. He received a quiet thank you with a small smile that told him that all was not well. His eyes met Yoongi who had realized that as well, assuring him with a nod that he will talk to him later. Before he could say anything else, Taehyung pulled him inside, filling him with all the details he had missed.

"Oh and mom is going to their house today evening to check on Seokjin hyung's wedding outfit. You should go with her" he said. "Will you not be coming?" he asked. "Eunwoo has an important event that he has to attend and he wants me to be there with him. I'll only return on the wedding day" the omega answered with a pout. "Aww Tae Tae. I just came and you are already leaving?" he whined. "I know. But I will try to be back as soon as I can" he consoled him as they walked into the guest room that had been prepared for them.

"But I don't know anyone there..." Jimin said. It would be the first time he met Namjoon's fiancé and he did not want to mess his first impression. "Stop overthinking will you" Taehyung chided as he opened Jimin's suitcase began to rummage through the clothes. "We just need to find a nice outfit and you're fit to go!". Jimin shook his in amusement. Even after marriage Taehyung was just as sweet and innocent as he remembered. Spontaneous and charming but sharp witted. The only difference was that he looked much more frail than before. Jimin mentally noted to ask him about that later. "How is he?" he asked. "Who?". "Seokjin hyung". His best friend looked up from the pile of clothes with the signature boxy smile of his, "He's amazing! Seokjin hyung is so sweet and nice. And he's so pretty Jimin-ah. They will make a good pair! He even took me along while shopping for the wedding. Since Namjoon hyung did not come, he said I would be the best one to know what he would like". "Namjoon hyung wasn't there?" Jimin asked, eyebrows raised. "Ah he said he was busy". "What kind of man does not go shopping for his own wedding? What was he even doing?" the latter questioned. "We don't know... He has stayed out of the house most of time and came home late". "Why did he do that? Did something happen?" Jimin asked confused. "As mother. She will tell you the whole story tonight' Taehyung asked, lips curving down, a little disappointed.

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