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Seokjin sat cross legged on the bed, eyes occasionally straying to the door of the room, waiting for Namjoon. It had been more than fifteen minutes since the alpha left the room yet there was no sign of him. Shifting surely did not take so long.

He heard a low growl, looking up to find a large wolf standing outside the door. Breath caught in his throat as the fiery red eyes watched him. Namjoon did not move from his place, lest he scared the poor omega sitting on the bed and waited. Seokjin nodded at him, beckoning him closer.

The wolf moved, paws padding silently into the room, eyes never leaving the omega's face. His movements were slow, steps small, aware of the fact that Seokjin was terrified by this form at the moment. His scent had spiked and Namjoon found it adorable how he could not decided if he wanted to move forward or scoot away. He close to the bed, eyes trained on the omega, watching his mouth open and close as if no words were able to leave.

Seokjin was in awe of the majestic animal that stood gazing at him. His fur was black, reminding of the midnight sky during no moon, eyes like fire. The look on his eyes wasn't threatening, but that of curiosity. The feeling was so much more different than when he had laid his eyes on him for the first. Last time, he was afraid, downright terrified. But now, he was in awe even though his natural fight and flight response was screaming at him to run, warning him of danger, he ignored it, forcing himself to breathe steadily.  

The wolf stopped by the bed, his tail wagging as he sat on two legs. Seokjin saw his ears flip down as he huffed, titling his head to one side. The omega patted the bed, "Come up. I want to see you up close" he said, frowning as the alpha shook his head, growling lowly. "But why?" he whined, watching as he shook his head again, standing on all four legs and pacing around. 

"I promise I will ask you to stay away if I get too afraid" he mumbled after a moment, meeting the sharp eyes. He let his eyes do the talking, letting the alpha know that it was okay, that he could come closer, nodding when Namjoon tilted his head in question. 

He sat with his back pressed to the headboard, pulse running, palms sweaty with nervousness. The wolf disappeared for a moment, so he closed his eyes, breathing deep so as to calm down. He squeaked when the alpha jumped onto the bed with one hop, pressing himself to the headboard as adrenaline kicked again. 

Sensing his discomfort, Namjoon settled down, lying his head on his paw. His closed his eyes, waiting for the omega to be comfortable enough to approach him on his own. He did not open them even when he felt a hand pet his head and fingers petting his head. 

Seokjin got a little bolder. He tangled his fingers in the soft fur, rubbing the wolf at the back of his head, gasping as a deep sound rumbled from the alpha's throat, which he assumed was a sign of appeasement. He found his breath faltering again as the wolf finally opened his eyes and looked at him with the red pupils, raising himself so that he was sitting on two legs. 

In this position, even as a wolf, Namjoon was a little taller than him, owing to his large form. He held his face in his hands, petting him before the alpha nudged his cheek with his wet nose, drawing a surprised giggle from Seokjin. He stepped forward, swiping his tongue over the omega's nose who laughed, the sound resonating through the room, warming his heart.

Seokjin's eyes were full of wonder, curiosity and despite the little fear screaming at the back of his mind, he pulled the alpha's face closer, resting his forehead on his, listening to his breathing. "You're beautiful" he said, truthfully. The wolf pulled away suddenly, startling him. "I wish I was like you alpha".

Namjoon couldn't help the tears that welled in his eyes as his heart grew warm, the ones he huffed and flicked away, nosing the omega's neck affectionately, letting him pat the fur over his neck and rub it soothingly. Majority of the commoners who had seen him in his wolf form had negative reactions. No one had ever told him that he was beautiful and when the compliment was coming from someone as ethereal as Seokjin, it's effect was amplified many more times. He nipped at his arm lightly, overcome by affection.

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