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"Namjoon this is your fault. Why did you let him go like that? What if he does not return?" Seo Hi hissed, jabbing her son with her elbow. Namjoon winced at her statement, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "What do you think I should have done eomma?" he asked, struggling to keep his emotions at bay. 

"Well MAYBE you should have forced him to wait and listen to everything that you have to say. Instead what did you do? You let that little omega raise his voice at you and go to his parents house. If I had been there trust me dear I would have chewed the little thing out. How dare he raise his voice at my son!" she exclaimed, pacing across the room. 

"It was my fault that he was in that state in the first place" he said quietly. "Huh?" his mother whirred in his direction. "Had we told him before, had I told him before, things would not have come to that point" he said, resting his elbows on the window sill. Seokjin was right, the flowers he had planted, the ones that were visible from his study looked the best at night, in the yellow glow casted by the torches. 

"Sweetheart it wasn't your fault. Seokjin should have understood. Omegas these days are so spoilt they lack the capacity to understand others at all. I should have talked to him before dear do not beat yourself up-" she was cut off by a growl. Namjoon's eyes were crimson, golden flares indicating that he was at the last shred of his patience, scent thicker as he snarled when she opened mouth to speak. 

"Do not speak of my omega like that" he hissed, fist slamming on the wooden sill. "It was our fault that it has come to this. Had he been told before the wedding he would have made his own decision. Why did you not tell him then?" he asked. 

"How could I have told him Namjoon? I told his parents and they wanted me to keep it a secret from him. Before Seokjin, we visited so many other families with our proposal. The moment we told them that we are shifters, we were rejected without a second thought. Do you think that you are the only one who was afraid of telling your husband everything? Sweetheart I was worried about you, we all were. Finding someone for Taehyung was hard enough, I did not want to wait till it was too late" she whispered, cupping his face. 

"Tae had already found someone for him, you did not let it happen" he muttered, looking away. Seo Hi ignored the topic of Jung Hoseok, not wanting to reopen old wounds. 

"Now that I think of it", she whispered, "I should have made sure that Seokjin knew the family he was stepping into. If he leaves now, I am afraid that my son will be left heartbroken, something that I never wish to see again". Seo Hi had not missed the growing fondness that Namjoon had for his husband.

Namjoon closed his eyes, jaw tight as she caressed his face, breath harsh as he leaned in to the comforting touch. "I will be alright eomma. It is up to him now. I was wrong, I should have told him before. Maybe things would have been different now" he rumbled. 

"I know my child" she whispered, guiding the alpha to the coffee table, gesturing him to sit opposite her. Instead, Namjoon sat by her feet, resting his head on her lap, sighing as she ran her wrinkled hands through his hair, soothing the inner turmoil for a bit. 

But she knew that if Seokjin chose to leave, Namjoon would lose a part of himself with him. Seo Hi knew the look in his eyes when the omega was mentioned all to well. She had seen the same look in her younger son's eyes when she committed the biggest mistake of her life. And she could not bear the fact that she might be responsible for causing it to happen all over again. That was the problem of the Kims. They had a family history of falling in love only once in their life. Some were lucky to have their love reciprocated, some unfortunately had to live with the heart break. The thought something similar happening to Namjoon terrified her. 

"You know you are just like your father" she chuckled. Her son looked up, frowning slightly.

 "What do you mean?"

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