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Seokjin walked through the large passage ways of the mansion, opening the closed curtains. It was late afternoon and it sun was still harsh, despite the summer slowly transitioning into his favorite season. His gazed outside, imaging the soft pitter-patter of rain, knocking against the glass. He sighed, turning away, aimlessly walking, twirling around as he enjoyed the feel so the soft carpet under his feet

The greenhouse was already looked after well and he had finished his daily round around the garden. He made his way towards Namjoon's study, slowly creaking the door opening, ensuring that no one was around. There was no particular reason to hide anything from the people around but Seokjin was sure he was doing something wrong when he found himself in front of the erotica section, browsing through the books. A thrill ran down his spine as he picked up the book Namjoon had suggested for him to read. "What are you doing Seokjin. Keep it away", and so he put it back. Straying towards the other book shelves, hoping to find one that would keep him engaged for long.

Half an hour later, he found himself standing in front of the same shelf, trying to make a decision which was probably the most difficult decision of his life. "I am only going to read one. No more than that. Read one will not hurt right? Come on Seokjinnie" he told himself. He held the book close to his chest, covering it with his sleeves, running towards his room. He could not breathe till he had placed the book in the bottom drawer of his bedside table, covering it completely with his sewing kit.

"Seokjin hyung?"

A voice behind startled him, hurriedly turning around, face palming when he saw Jungkook standing by the door, perplexed.

"Jungkook, you scared me" he half laughed, asking the younger to come in, nervously fidgeting in his place. "Everything alright?" the other questioned as he approached the elder, sitting on the bed, facing the omega. "Yes. You just startled me" Seokjin answered with a smile. "What brings you here?"

"I miss talking to my hyung" the younger pouted, giggling when Seokjin cooed, pulling his cheeks fondly. "Although I doubt you ever think the same way. Your husband has become the center of your attention it seems" he teased, the omega denying it as his ears turned red, face flaming.

"How are you doing hyung? Does he treat you well?" Jungkook asked, eyebrows drawn together, frowning. About two days ago, late at night when he was passing by their room, he had heard Seokjin crying. It was possible that he had completely imagined it since he was half asleep but the thought would not leave his head. He had made a promise to the elder years ago when he presented as an alpha that he would always protect him. Even if he was mere servant, he was hell bent on keeping his word.

"He treats me well Jungkook-ah. Better than any alpha I have known in my life" the omega replied. "He rarely smiles though. I don't think that in the three months that I have spent living here I have ever seen him smile" Jungkook muttered, scrunching his nose and narrowing his eyes.

"That is true. I have never seen him laugh like that as well. But he has a pretty smile you know? Oh and he has dimples! Whenever he smiles, even if slightly, they pop up and Jungkook-ah they fit his face so well. He does look intimidating at first but the moment he smiles, the tension melts away. That is my favorite thing about him" the omega said, dreamily looking in the distance. A scoff brought him back to his senses, blushing furiously when Jungkook smirked, winking at him.

"Aigo my hyungie is falling in loove~" he sang, laughing when Seokjin whined and pushed him lightly. "Oh I forgot to show you something" Seokjin pulled him towards the window, parting the curtains to reveal the flowers he had planted, sitting beside the bonsai that belonged to his alpha.

After a lot of contemplation, Seokjin had opted for simple white heliotropes and placed them in between the bonsai so that there were six pots in total, three white heliotropes placed alternatively between the bonsai. He and Namjoon had decided that they both were going to look after the plants together.

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