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There were hands all over his body. They weren't Namjoon's. The body was unfamiliar and overpowering him. He opened his eyes. Seokjin was pinned to the bed and when he looked up, dark eyes were gleaming, running over his body. It was cold, he felt cold all over. The eyes of the man above him were menacing, gaze predatory. 

He struggled to free himself, but the man's hold was too tight and no matter how hard he fought, he couldn't push the man away. "Let me go!" he tried to scream, but voice was stuck in his throat. 

"Somebody help!"

"Such a pretty omega.. I'm going to make you mine" the man hissed. Hands roaming all over his body. He hated it. He belonged to Namjoon, no one else. 


Hands wrapped around his throat, squeezing slowly. He clawed at the man's hands, desperately trying to free himself, gasping for air. This was it. This was how Seokjin met his end. He wasn't even able to tell Namjoon much he loved the alpha. The darkness closed around him, consuming him whole, pulling him into the darkness of an abyss.

Seokjin woke up in cold sweat, shaking as he stared at the alpha looming over him. Namjoon was looking at him in concern, yellow light of the lamp shining on his warm skin, backing away when he realized that the omega was awake. His breath came in shallow wheezes, as the chills, alternating with hot flashes coursed through him. 

When he closed his eyes, he could feel the sheets underneath stick uncomfortably to his sweat-soaked body, everything ached. Consciousness ebbed and flowed like a tide, the room spun around but he tried to focus on breathing, feeling himself relax when Namjoon ran his fingers through his hair. 

"It's okay... you're safe now" Namjoon whispered, kissing his forehead. Seokjin sat up, sniffling, harshly wiping the tears forming at the corners of his eyes. He did not flinch when Namjoon pulled him onto his lap, nuzzling into his neck as the alpha cradled him close, kissing the exposed skin he could find, gently rocking them back and forth. 

"Don't hold back love, you can cry" Namjoon comforted him, knowing him so, so well. His heart constricted painfully at the term of endearment, unable to hold back as he began to sob, hands fisting the alpha's top, letting the man take care of him. All of his emotions he had bottled up came rushing out as the dam broke, overwhelmingly washing over him. 

Sobs racked his body, shoulders shaking as Namjoon held him through, whispering comforting words in his ears, letting him cry it out. He clung onto the alpha's neck like his life depended on it, needing to feel the closeness, needing to feel that he was here, with him. 

Once he pulled away Namjoon cupped his cheeks, rubbing the stray tears with his thumb. "I'm right here omega, you're safe". Seokjin sniffled, refusing to loosen the death grip on his alpha, pressing himself onto his body. Namjoon held him close, rubbing his nose into Seokjin's neck, coating him with his scent, kissing the skin occasionally till the omega had calmed down.

"I dreamt about him again. H-he kept forcing himself on me a-and choking me. No matter how much I resisted he w-wouldn't let go. It all felt s-so real and I was afraid t-that I would not be able to see you again". Fresh tears began to well in his eyes, Namjoon hushing him and kissing his forehead. 

Seokjin's nightmares weren't uncommon anymore and Namjoon had learnt how to deal with them. Three weeks after, the omegas were still experiencing vivid nightmares that had them waking up in the middle of the night, hysterical. Although the frequency had reduced, the intensity was just as strong.  

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