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His eyes fluttered open, sleep still heavily weighing them down. He waited for a few seconds, letting the peace and warmth of the bed slowly lull him back to sleep when the hard knocks sounded on the door again. He groaned, struggling to sit up, getting increasingly irritated by the whoever was out the door and thought it was okay to wake him up so early. Namjoon beat him to it as he scrambled out of the sheets, snapping the wooden divider open and walking to the door. Meanwhile Seokjin slipped on the robe that lay on the bedside table. He had felt comfortable enough to remove it and slipped into bed with his chemise only. Besides he knew he was going to wrap himself in the sheets so that only his head was visible and wasn't worried that Namjoon would try to peak at him.

Namjoon opened the door still blinking the sleep out of his eyes. The annoyance was clearly written on his face making Jungkook step back in alarm. "What is it?" he growled, crossed by the fact that his sleep was disturbed. He had stayed up late into the night and had no wish whatsoever to be disturbed anytime so, until this little alpha had woken him up by his constant knocking.

"I apologize for waking you at this time master but Lady Seo has asked you to prepare to leave in an hour" he said with a bow. The anger pheromones that the alpha was letting out was starting to affect him as he back away further. Namjoon seemed to realize what was happening and immediately calmed his wolf, now confused by the sudden request from his mother. Had they not planned to leave after breakfast? The sun was barely up at the moment, where could they possibly be going?

"Did she tell you where we are to go?" he asked. Jungkook shook his head, "She only asked me to wake you up and relay her message". "Very well, tell her that we will meet her out in an hour" Namjoon said, closing the door before Jungkook could say anything more. He was still sleepy and any more people interactions would send him off the edge. His mother had this tendency to randomly take them somewhere without prior notice, as a surprise and would not take no for an answer.

Seokjin sat straight on the bed, eyes fixed on him as he closed the door an turned towards him. He looked adorable with his hair askew, fists clumsily rubbing at his sleepy eyes. "Eomma asked us to be ready within an hour, you can go first if you like" he said. The omega's eyes snapped wide open for some reason as he spoke. "Seokjin?" he asked, frowning when he muttered a small "huh?". "Everything alright?".

"Oh yes... yes I'm o-okay. You can go first" he stuttered, as if broken from a trance, burying his face in his hands. Namjoon stared at him, puzzled by the way he was acting. A minute ago he was staring at him and now he refused to even pull his hands away from his face.

The alpha walked to his cupboard and opened it, rummaging through the heap to find a suitable outfit. Since he had no idea where there were going, he decided he was going casual with black trousers and a grey t-shirt. It was highly unlikely for his mother to invite someone at this hour so there was no need to dress up.

If it had involved people other than his family then his mother would have told him so.

When he turned around Seokjin was peeking at him from his fingers, closing his eyes when Namjoon's gaze met his. "Is something wrong?" he asked confused. Was Seokjin pulling his leg or did he look so terrible the moment he woke up that the omega did not even want to look at him? Seokjin made a small whimper like noise and shook his head furiously, yet his face remained hidden behind his hands.

The alpha was now even more puzzled. Letting the omega be, Namjoon gathered his clothes and announced that he was going for a bath before sliding the divider shut. Carefully placing his clothes on the bed, he walked to the bathroom, humming a little tune known only to himself. Even when he tried not to think about it, he looked into the mirror curiously, checking as to what made the omega react in the way he did.

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