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The walk home was enveloped in comfortable silence and soft smiles, the occasional rustle of the leaves adding to the calmness. Seokjin was reluctant to leave, whining half asleep when the alpha suggested for them to do so. Only after Namjoon promising him a dozen times that they would return did he move.

Seokjin admired Namjoon even more than he did before. The alpha had gone through so much as a child and yet, he stood tall today and took on the problems with head held high. As his husband, it was his duty to stand beside Namjoon no matter what life threw at him, at them. Now he understood, the reason why the alpha had refused to meet him before their wedding day and why he had kept his distance initially. 

"I am sorry for behaving immaturely. But I was too worked up to be in my right mind. I did not want to face you like that" Namjoon apologized sheepishly, cheeks red. Oh, he had spoken that allowed. Apart from anger, there was also fear of what Seokjin would have thought of him when they would have met. He had multiple thoughts of running away from his wedding even, but for some unknown reasons, Namjoon did not leave. Whether it was for his parents, or his pride as an alpha would be a mystery that he was not going to bother solving. 

"I understand alpha. Maybe I wasn't ready to meet you then as well" Seokjin comforted him, lacing their hands together. Opening his heart to the alpha brought relief like never before to him. Finally, he felt heard, like there was some one who understood what it felt like to be alienated at all times. That night, Namjoon had held him like he always wanted some one to, not complaining even once and they found comfort in each other's embrace. He knew that the alpha was aware of it too, yet they did not speak of it. The silence between them was a conversation in itself. 

Later as he stood under the shower, his mind replayed the events all over again, bringing a smile to his lips. He couldn't help but think of it as love. What else could it be other than love? He may not have experienced it in life before, but that did not mean he knew nothing of it. Life had become merrier, brighter and kinder to him since Namjoon had entered his life. He was in love with Namjoon, his alpha. 

He stepped out of the water, turning the knob to switch it off, picking a towel and wrapping it around his wet hair. Using the other one, he proceeded to wipe himself down, glancing at the mirror once done. Completing his routine, he stepped out to find the alpha already in bed, curtains drawn. Except the glow of the lamp, there was no other score of light in the room. Parting the curtains, he walked to the bed, offering his husband a smile. 

He turned away, untying the strings that held the silk robe together, he let it slide down his shoulder, exposing the bare skin of his shoulders and unmarked neck in the process, aware of the alpha's intense gaze on him. He had decided that he had enough of the teasing that Namjoon did almost every morning. The chemise was made of silk, maroon color contrasting with his porcelain skin. 

Seokjin settled under the covers, turning to switch the lamp off, giggling when Namjoon pulled him towards himself with an arm around his waist. He bit his lip as the alpha kissed his scent gland, rubbing his nose over it, effectively covering Seokjin's scent with his own. It was as if now that they were scenting each other, Namjoon had decided that there was not going to be a single moment when Seokjin wasn't smelling like him. He wasn't complaining though. 

The thin strap fell down his shoulders, leaving his shoulder bare. Namjoon found himself staring at the unmarked neck and shoulders, mind picturing it littered with his marks of claim one day. He shuddered at the thought, nuzzling into Seokjin's hair, settling down next to him, smiling as the raven haired pressed a kiss on his neck. 

"I had so much fun today" Seokjin mumbled, sinking in the feeling of soft bedsheets under him and the alpha's warmth beside him, enjoying as the large fingers massaged his scalp before gliding down to his back, rubbing it soothingly. It was so domestic, felt so natural for them to be in this position and he couldn't help but think that if this is how a lot of his nights would be spent beside Namjoon, that he would wake up to the dimpled smile every morning, then he would gladly accept it for eternity. 

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