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Mentions of violence, swearing and blood. Stop reading if you are uncomfortable.

"Did you not understand my words?" Eunwoo's growled.

Taehyung wiped the tears away with the sleeve of his shirt, taking a step forward, sniffling as a sharp, painful sting went all the way up his leg, hobbling towards the alpha that stood in the middle of the room. 

He stopped a few steps away, unsure of what to say. He yelped as Eunwoo grabbed the collar and pulled him ahead, almost falling over. The top button flew off, an audible rip of the fabric resonated in the room. 

Eunwoo gathered his hair in a fist, yanking his face to the side, unbothered by the pained cry that the omega let out, eyes narrowing on the faded mark on his scent gland. "So you did let him have his way you filthy bitch!" he said, venom in the tone. 

"I tried to stop it! Alpha I-" Taehyung cried out as he was pushed away, banging his head on the table, a vase falling down in the process, shards of broken glass flying in every direction, a few lodging into his feet. He stumbled onto the bed, crying as his feet began to bleed, shaking as the alpha stepped closer, looming over his frail body.

The door opened with a bang, Seo Hi screaming as he saw what happened, running inside. 

"This is where it ends for us Kim Taehyung. I would rather remain a bachelor than call a good for nothing omega like you my mate. Mating you was a mistake. All you shifters are pathetic people, you deserve this for tarnishing the image of your family" his hissed, every word of his stinging Taehyung, knowing that what the man in front of him was partially true. 

"Eunwoo-ssi that is enough" his father's steel like voice cut through the room, the old man glowering at the alpha that berated his son, humiliated and injured him in a situation where he needed to be cared for. 

"You don't tell me what to do old man! Keep this omega child of yours with you. I won't be needing this one anymore. When I make the announcement, a hundred more omegas will line at my door to present themselves to me" he snapped. 

"Go ahead. Do that then" 

Eunwoo raised an eyebrow at Taehyung who stood back onto his feet, removing himself from his mother's embrace. The audacity of this fucking omega! Taehyung's eyes were crimson, the omega within lashing out at the disrespect towards the bond he had been, even if it came from the alpha that had broken his heart to pieces. 

"You act all high and mighty when in reality there is not one cell in your body that is capable of standing next to your mate like any other good alpha would. Don't tell me that I was good enough because all I ever did was to try to please you and fulfill this unending list of demands!" yelled, tears streaming down his face. 

"I dressed the way you told, talked the way you told, ate what you told me, forgot my dreams and my desires because you wanted different. I looked after the house, arranged all the parties when you were out drinking with your friends, looked after your parents, treating them as my own and did whatever you wanted because all I wanted was to please you and make you happy",  Taehyung was seething, unable to stop all the frustration he had harbored over the years from spilling. 

He was done. Exhausted and completely done with the alpha. Eunwoo needed a taste of reality.

"What did I get in return huh? Why do you alphas thinking that being in a bond, a marriage means that it is only the omega's duty to adhere to it? You never thought twice about falling into bed with another omega but when it happens to me, without my consent suddenly I am the whore? All I ever got was disappointment from you. Never did you truly love me, and all you ever did was try to force me into a mould, that pathetic alpha ego of yours was bruised when you were not successful. I hate myself because of the things you said to me, made myself believe that wasn't a good omega when in reality, it has always been you. You are the problem Eunwoo" he screamed, staring at the wide-eyed alpha in defiance. 

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