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"You already seem to like Seokjin hyung already" Taehyung teased, the smile on the alpha's face not going unnoticed by him. Namjoon snapped out of his train of thoughts, shaking his head "It's not what you think" he muttered. Even then, a light blush coated his cheeks and his heart did a funny thing in his chest. "How do you feel now?" his brother asked, dropping the topic, sensing that Namjoon did not want to continue it. "Better than before at least. I did not realize then but I needed this rest" he said, massaging his neck. Truly, he hadn't realized how much exhausted he had been, the wedding being a busy affair and since he did not wait a day he had unknowingly deprived his body of a much deserved break. Today the medic did not have to be called but had Namjoon worked another day, maybe the fever would've affected him more.

Seokjin and his mother walked in followed by a servant, carrying a tray with two utensils placed on it. The delicious aroma of food filled his nostrils and his stomach rumbled, as if his brain had just remember the need for food. His mother took her seat beside him, stroking his hair and checking his forehead. Unconsciously he leaned into the touch, feeling calm. It had been a while since his mother had dotted him with her complete attention. Mostly it was directed towards Taehyung who was the more adventurous one between the two. Not that Namjoon was complaining, he liked to be left alone with his affairs.

"You look better than before. I brought you some food, eat it and rest some more. By tomorrow you will be alright" she instructed, uncovering the bowl. He looked curiously as she handed it to him, sniffing it before recoiling at the strong scent. "What is this?" he asked, nose scrunching as the smell hit his nose again, pushing the bowl away from him. "It is a medicinal soup. Eomma used to make me drink it every time I got sick. It is a good cure for fevers and is also good for you body" Seokjin said. "I know it smells bad but I only made it because it has benefitted me immensely". He smiled sympathetically at Namjoon who sniffed it again, making a face. "Does it taste good?" he feebly asked, groaning as the omega shook his head.

He was no stranger to odd and unpleasant tasting soups. His own mother had fed him plenty as a child when he fell sick. It was partly the reason why he often did not tell her about being unwell, in the fear that she will make him drink all that again. Only when he felt that it was severe, she was told about it. Cautiously, he picked the spoon, dipping it into the soup so that only a small amount collected onto it. Carefully he brought it to his lips, steeling himself for what ever the horrible taste might hit his tastebuds.

His tongue swiped at it quickly, gagging at the taste and putting the bowl onto the side table, scrunching his nose. "Is it that bad?" Taehyung laughed, he was clearly enjoying himself. Seokjin couldn't suppress his giggle at the funny expressions that the alpha was making. Namjoon glared at his brother, "Why don't you try it instead and see for yourself" he hissed, reaching for the younger who laughed harder, running behind Seokjin to defend himself.

"Sweetie drink it. It's for your own wellbeing. By tomorrow morning, you will back in shape" Seo Hi reasoned, picking up the bowl herself. Namjoon shook his head, "I will rather remain sick for a week than drink all of that" he said, sticking his tongue out. "How will that be okay hyung! You have to get better soon. Do you not know how worried I am since morning" Taehyung gasped dramatically, rushing to the other side of the bed, grabbing his arm. "You have to drink all of it".

Namjoon now found himself in a fix. On one side his brother was holding onto his arm like his life depended on it, and on the other side his mother stood holding the soup. She seemed to have decided that if he was not going to drink it himself, she was going to feed him herself. Seo Hi lifted the spoon to his lips, trying to coax him into drinking it, "You just need to drink six spoonful and you are done. See!". He turned his head away, whining when the it got too close, turning his head to the other side, struggling to get his arm out of Taehyung's hold. Seo Hi sighed, placing the cup onto the table, tired by the her giant baby's whining and complaining.

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