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Namjoon sat working at his desk when the study door opened, revealing a breathless Jungkook outside. He gestured him to come in, the younger alpha obediently stepping in, closing the door as silently as he could. 

"How is he?" Namjoon asked, anxious as he shifted to the edge of his chair. "Bad" Jungkook replied, the gloom in his voice alarming.

"But he wanted me to ask you when you were going to bring him back. He does not want to stay there any longer". Namjoon looked at him with hopeful eyes, making the alpha smile.

Just as quick the smile appeared, it was gone the next second. "I think you should go as fast as you can. Jin hyung is already hurting a lot" he said. Namjoon frowned at the words.

"Did something happen?"

"Did something happen?"

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Seokjin awoke to the news that his husband was coming to pick him up that very evening. Since it was the first time Lord and Lady Kim's first son-in-law was visiting, the whole house was buzzing in preparations for his arrival. He was asked to stay in his room for most of the day, which he was glad to do, appreciating the time he had to collect himself and practice his apology before he had to face the alpha.

He had treated himself with an hour long bath, refusing to step out of the water till his fingers wrinkled. Presented with a variety of choice in fragrance oils and bath bombs, he had special maids scrub him down, the way they had done at his wedding.

Evening came far too late according to him. Seokjin impatiently waited for the alpha at the entrance of his house, his family standing behind him.

As the carriage turned around the corner, now visible as it came closer, Seokjin felt the thumping on his heart in his ears, palms sweating as the servant opened the door.

When the man himself stepped out, his vision tunneled, momentarily forgetting about his surroundings Namjoon drew closer. He offered him a smile, a smile that meant that he had been forgiven, yet the dimples making him shy as he returned it, turning around so that he could slip a hand around his arm, resisting the urge to bury his face in the sturdy chest and scent him.

As they walked at the back of the group, Namjoon's hand slipped into his, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Are you alright?" he rumbled, Seokjin melting under that warm gaze when he looked up.

"I am now that you are here"

Seokjin offered him a nod, though that did nothing to rest his worries after what he had heard from Jungkook. To think that Seokjin was punished for something as trival as that, had left him fuming.

It had been difficult to control his wolf from lashing out at the family the moment he met them, scowling internally as they acted like nothing had ever happened. Seokjin no doubt seemed on the edge, not quite like himself as they had dinner. Namjoon couldn't put a finger on it. He had asked the omega several times, if he was alright, if he needed anything but every time the reply was the same, "I'm fine alpha". 

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