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Seokjin fidgeted in his place as the beta checked all of his injuries. He could feel the alpha's intense gaze on his, a certain edge in his scent, not particularly a good one at that. The recent events with Eunwoo had forced the alpha on the front, and Namjoon was too wired up to let the human part take control.

His eyes briefly met Namjoon's, the red pupils seemingly looking right through him, the omega within him feeling overwhelmed. A sharp pain in his hand had him whimpering and turning away, Namjoon immediately leaving his place by the window and coming to stand beside him.

The beta was quick to apologize for her mistake, taking a bottle of ointment and applying it over the large mark over his hands. Seokjin trembled and sniffled as the wound continued to sting, leaning against his husband who ran a hand through his hair, the pheromones now taking milder tone, in an attempt to sooth him.

Once she was done with dressing the wound, she gave it a little pat, smiling at the omega in reassurance. "I will take at least a week for it to heal and close completely. It will leave a mark, but not too deep. All you need is lots of rest and sleep, refrain for any sort of heavy physical activity please", Namjoon nodded attentively at her instructions.

The medic pulled a small bottle from her bag of supplies, handing it over to Namjoon. "Apply this on the all the cuts and wounds for a week. Use only a little. It will hurt for the first three days or so and then the pain will subside soon after".

Seokjin looked up from where he was sitting, surprise to find his parents standing outside the room. Hadn't they left sometime ago? He mustered a small smile, swallowing when his parents did not return it, an unreadable expression on their faces, the one he had seen far too many times.

He thanked the medic profusely, the beta excusing herself to speak to his in-laws once again. "Please come in eomma and appa. I am sorry I did not see you there" Namjoon said, opening the door wider for them.

Seokjin quickly pulled the robe over his shoulders, wincing as the fabric brushed against the cuts, hastily tying the string that pulled it together and then pulling the sheets so that they were covering his bruised legs.

Namjoon pulled out the chair for his father as him mother sat at the edge of the bed. Like the dutiful son he was, his alpha explained to them where Seokjin had been hurt and what the instructions of the medic were.

"I must apologize Namjoon" his father said, eyes trained on him, jaw clenched. He was angry. Namjoon frowned, unsure for what his father-in-law was apologizing.

"I do not know where we went wrong in raising our child that he keeps putting you all in trouble. Even after advising him, I see that he has refused to let you mate him. I apologize for his irresponsible and pathetic behavior. The fault lies in us that we were not able to teach Seokjin how to be a good mate at all" he said.

"Appa what are you saying?" Seokjin asked, voice wobbly, tears filling his eyes. "He isn't lying right Seokjin? Had you followed your duties as an omega, stayed out of trouble, your brother-in-law would not have been abandoned by his own family. You should be grateful that Namjoon lets you stay here after all you have done" his mother shot back, venom in her tone.

Seokjin sunk into his place, harshly wiping away the tears that rolled down his cheeks. "Excuse me?" Namjoon snapped, interrupting their insults. "What made you say all this? And what makes you think that Seokjin being mated would have made a difference?".

His in-laws were startled, unsure of how to react. This was the first time Namjoon had ever spoken informally with both of them. "The men that hurt my husband and my brother did not care if they were mated of not. They were low life assholes who knew no morals. And please end all this bullshit about being a good omega and mate".

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