Who are you?

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Lance woke up in his small bed with burning eyes. He had cried himself to sleep and felt pathetic for even feeling this way. Why should he be the one who feels like shit?

Getting up and changing into baggy sweatpants and a cropped tank top, he made his way to the training room. He preferred to train early in the mornings or late at night to avoid the rest of his team.

However, when he arrived at the training room, Keith was already there and training on level thirteen.

Their swords clashed as Keith attempted to overpower the bot but it swiftly kicked him in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him.

"End training sequence!" Keith wheezed, struggling to catch his breath. He finally noticed Lance.

"What are you doing here?" Keith sneered and Lance rolled his eyes.

"I came here to train." Lance ignored Keith snickering something under his breath.

Lance began stretching and cleared his mind to focus on the task at hand. If Keith wanted to stay and watch, so be it.

"Begin level 19." Lance called and the bot materialized behind with a staff in its hand. Lance summoned his own staff and blocked its attack. Lance stepped back and dove into a roll and swiped the bots' feet with his own staff and when it fell down, he stabbed it.

"Level 19 complete."

"Begin level 20."

"Level 20 complete."

"End training sequence." Lance called and retracted his bayard and wiped his brow. He raised an eyebrow at Keith and headed towards the showers.

Keith ran after him.

"Fighting a bot is different from fighting real enemies you know," Keith started. "No matter how hard you train, you're still useless."

Lance felt a pang in his heart and while they never actually used the word "useless" it had hurt to hear it. Ignoring Keith who kept following him, he entered the showers and knew Keith had left when he turned the water on.

Lance let out a sigh of relief and stripped to stand under the hot spray. Once again, he felt that he was being watched and yet there was no one in sight and Keith had already left. Okay this paranoia was starting to irritate him.

Lance quickly finished his shower and dressed in his room before heading to the dining room for breakfast. He needed to eat something even if he currently didn't have an appetite.

"Lance isn't the right fit for this team anymore." He recognized Keith's voice.

"At least he stopped his stupid jokes and flirting with everyone he meets." Another voice quipped that sounded much like Allura. Of course it was her.

"We don't know anyone who can pilot the red lion with Shiro gone." Allura said. "I suppose we can look into our contacts but we should keep it quiet."

Lance didn't want to listen anymore and practically ran back to his room. He was more sad than angry and took shaky deep breaths. He didn't want to cry anymore but when he entered the comforts of his room, he couldn't help it.

Suddenly, the hairs on his neck stood when he felt someone else in his room.

Lance summoned his bayard but a voice spoke. "No need to be afraid."

Whoever it was, their accent was heavy and their voice deep and alluring. 

"Who are you?" Lance grabbed his bayard tightly.

"My name is Lotor." The man said and Lance could see faint yellow eyes.

"Get out!" Lance hissed and swung his dagger but a hand caught his wrist. He grunted as he was pushed against his bed and the man's much larger form covered his own.

"I'm not here to hurt you." The man said and Lance could hardly see his face in the dark. Lance thought he was galran but his skin was a lighter purple and had long white hair.

"Then what do you want?" Lance tried to push him off but he was too strong.

"I snuck onto the castle to gather intel but seeing how your so-called team treats you, I thought I might recruit you." Lotor practically purred, his mouth a little too close to his ear. Lance shuddered. Not now stupid body!

"Recruit me?"

"Your team doesn't value you." Lance flinched and knew it was true.

"You heard what they said then? Wait, have you been the one watching me? I thought I was just being paranoid." Lance gave up trying to fight back and even though the man noticed, he didn't move.

"You were the only one who seemed to notice my presence." Lotor told him. "And yes I heard and I am not surprised. They don't seem to realize how valuable you truly are. I watched you train and they are the ones who are lacking."

Lance felt his face heat up and he looked away. "I'm not that valuable."

"You are. Incredibly smart and fast. You are able to think quickly and get out of difficult situations." Lotor smirked and leaned closer to his ear.

"I want you to join me." He whispered and heard the paladin suck in a breath.

"How do I know you're not trying to split up voltron?" Lance asked, his voice tight.

"It already has." Lotor could see the blue paladin consider his words. "I have been you at some point in my life. I finally had the strength to leave and I've been better for it."

"You want me to join you?" Lance whispered.

"I do. We aren't anything like those in Zarkon's empire. Our goal is to undermine the empire and build a new one." Lotor wondered if he was telling him too much but he knew he had his attention.

Lance considered his words and took a deep breath. "I'm in. I'll join you."

Lance knew he was being impulsive and hoped this wasn't a mistake but he felt like Lotor was being truthful and even if he was being deceitful, it wouldn't matter. Either way, he will get away from Voltron and his teammates, even if it means being a prisoner.

"What do you need me to do?" Lance asked.

"Nothing for now. I will come back soon." Lotor moved to get up but Lance grabbed his shoulders, surprising himself.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to grab you." Lance said feeling flustered. Why did he grab him?

Lotor chuckled deep in his throat and leaned down so their faces were merely centimeters apart. "I promise I'll be back."

Lance thought Lotor was going to kiss him but then he pulled away and felt slightly disappointed. Lance watched him leave before flopping back down onto his bed with a groan.


Lotor was hot.

Lance could feel his face warm up and he buried his face into his hands. 

Fuck... did he just do something bad? 

Lance didn't really think about his decision and while he felt anxious and nervous, he held some sort of hope. 

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