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Even though they had two days with Lance's family, it did wonders for both Lance and Lotor stress wise. The past few years for both of them have been... well stressful. They enjoyed spending most of their time at the beach, relaxing with Lance's family who quickly became Lotor's.

When the sun began to set, Lance would drag Lotor once again to the beach to relax and watch the sunset, occasionally their little relaxing session ended with sand in places that made them wonder how that got there...

However, they were needed back at the garrisons where they will be providing information and intel of their experiences and what they have seen and learned.

That alone took a few days but then they had to prepare for their announcement to earth who are unaware of alien life. It would most likely cause a panic but they were prepared for the back lash. Eventually, they will understand that not everyone is a threat. Not to mention they have both Voltron and the New Empire protecting earth and many more other planets.

Lance and Lotor decided to let Earth do their thing once they were finished with their business and finally take their family to space. They returned to Lance's childhood home in their cruiser and picked up the large group of excited people, if not slightly nervous. They were going to space after all.

"SO COOL!" Lance's siblings shouted as they stepped into the cruiser. They've never seen anything like it before and were asking a million questions about what did what.

"Don't touch anything." Lance warned his younger siblings that pouted. "You don't want to accidently blow up the house do you?"

"Well... no." The twins replied and Lance ruffled their hair.

"Sit down, we're going into hyperdrive, the first time can make you sick." Lance warned them and they did so without protest.

"What is... hyperdrive?" Marco asked.

"Think of it as teleporting but in reality we are just going really fast." Lance explained and he and Lotor called his generals who popped up onto the screen.

"Is everything ready?" Lotor asked.

"Yes sir, everything is prepared." Acxa formally answered. "You both may want to get changed."

"We will." Lance answered before ending the call.

"Stay here and please don't touch anything." Lance and Lotor stepped out of the cockpit to quickly change into their armor before returning.

"Whoa! Why are you wearing that?" Marco's eyes were wide.

"Ah, galra don't really get casual clothes." Lance explained as he and Lotor sat down to pilot the cruiser. They flew into the air and made their way out of the Earth's atmosphere.

"But you're not Galra." Lyanna pointed out.

"True but I am one of Lotor's generals and it would be disrespectful of me to act casually around him." Lance explained.

"But you're dating, does that not make a difference?" Rosa asked.

"Everyone knows Lotor and I are together but it's important that we remain professional."

"He says that..." Lotor trailed off with a grin.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Lance demanded playfully.

"Did you not sit on my lap the entire meeting with all the commanders I appointed?" Lotor raised an eyebrow at him and Lance's siblings snickered behind them.

"Their reactions were hilarious! You're not any better! You're the one who yelled at them to leave because-" Lance cut himself off and cleared his throat. "I was testing them anyway."

"Are we already in the sky?" Luis asked, changing the subject.

"Smooth right? Earth's ships aren't as smooth." Lance grinned.

"Initiating hyperdrive." Lotor warned before setting it off and his family all let out groans.

"You can get up now if you feel like it." Lance told them and his mother and older sister remained seated looking rather queasy.

"Whoa!" The twins shouted seeing the massive ship ahead. "You live here?!"

Lance laughed as they flew into a hangar. "Come on," Lance and Lotor led them out of the cruiser where there were four women waiting.

"Welcome back." Acxa greeted while Zethrid walked over and pulled Lance into a crushing hug.

"Ack! Zethrid!" Lance tried pushing the woman who boomed with laughter.

"What? I've missed you little shrimp." Zethrid grinned while Lance rolled his eyes before turning to his family.

"These beautiful ladies are Lotor's generals. Zethrid, Axca, Narti, and Ezor." Lance introduced. "And this is my mother Rosalia, my twin siblings Marco and Veronica, my brother Luis and my older sister Lyanna."

"Hi, it's lovely to meet all of you!" Ezor chirped and hugged each of them which they hugged back hesitantly.

"Good to have you back, Sir." Acxa bowed to Lotor and he patted her shoulder.

"Come on, let's show them around." They began leading Lance's family out of the hangar.

"Hey, when are we gonna spar?" Zethrid moved to walk beside Lance and his family.

"Later, I promise." Lance winked and stuck his tongue out.

"Wait, how far are we from Earth?" Luis asked.

"We are just outside the Milky Way," Lance told them as they neared the throne room where guards were lined up.

They bowed before opening the large doors. "Whoa!"

Lance's family looked around the large room in awe as there were many trophies on display. Large skeletons of creatures that went extinct as well as weapons that were bigger than Marco and Veronica.

"Acxa, have there been any issues?" Lotor asked as they walked towards the command center.

Lance and Lotor spend most of their time here when it comes to work.

"None so far sir, but there have been tensions rising within our ranks. I expect some of your own men will rebel against your rule." Acxa explained and Lotor sighed.

"I expected as much."

"What would you like to do first? I can show you your rooms or the space mall, there's always interesting things there." Lance suggested but his mother looked rather weary.

"Let's start with something small." Rosa smiled tiredly.

"Your rooms it is then. I'll take you there in a moment."

"Contact the Castle of Lions." Lotor ordered Acxa and the woman did as she was told.

Allura and Coran popped up on the screen, both looking exhausted.

"Lance and Emperor Lotor. I heard you left Earth with your family?" Allura spoke formally as usual.

"Yup, are you still on Earth?"

"Yes, Keith and Shiro showed us around your planet and took us to a place called... Mike Donald... I think it was called that." Allura told him and Lance snorted.

"Did you like it?" Lance saw her make a face and he tried to hold back his laughter.

"It wasn't terrible.... I liked the salty sticks."

"You mean french fries?"

"Yes those, I liked them." Coran nodded in agreement.

"Would you like to come and meet my family? My sister has never met a real princess before." Lance winked and Allura grinned.

"We would love to."

"Can we spar now?"

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