New Empire

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"This place is huge!" Pidge said as she walked into the throne room with the others while Lance and Lotor spoke to officers. "You know what to do," Lance dismissed them and they quickly muttered 'Vrepit Sa' as they left. Lance let out a dramatic sigh as he fell into Lotor's arms.

"I feel like Tyrion and you are Daenerys Targaryen." Lance let out another dramatic sigh and heard his former teammates snickering.

"What?" Lotor's brows were drawn in obvious confusion. Allura and Coran were just as confused.

"Mother of dragons... The hand of the queen..." Lance gave up. "I'm going to make you watch Game of Thrones." Lance promised to Lotor.

"Are you saying you want a throne as well?" Lotor gave up trying to understand some of Lance's references.

"Your lap is my throne," Lance leered at him with a perverted grin. Lotor rolled his eyes and sat down on the throne and patted his lap. Lance happily sat down with a pleased expression. "Comfy."

"Lance? Emperor Lotor?" Shiro called, unsure of how to address them.

"You may call me Lotor, we are friends after all."

"You asked for us?" Allura reminded and Lance looked at her in confusion before he gasped and hopped from Lotor's lap. "I remember!"

Lance turned to the sentires. "Bring it in."

"Since there are many, many, planets that were enslaved by the empire, we decided to broadcast to the entire universe that they are free. We want you to be a part of it." Lance smiled at them which quickly fell when one of the sentires tripped and the others fell like dominoes.

"Again? For fucks sake!" Lance let out an exasperated noise and turned to one of the commanders. "How do you manage them?" The commander simply shrugged, trying to hide his amusement.

A lot of those sworn to Lotor didn't trust Lance at first but he quickly proved himself and they were growing fond of him. He was certainly amusing.

"Must I do everything?" Lance mumbled to himself and picked the equipment up and got it ready. "Let's get this show on the road- er- galaxy?"

Lotor was walking to his throne and the paladins stood beside him on both sides, showing their support. Their colored armor let everyone know who they were and that they supported the new empire.

"When I tell you to start it, start." Lance told one of the sentires as he scurried over to Lotor and sat on his lap, trying to get comfortable while also teasing his lover.

"Lance, I think it started when everything fell." Pidge was trying to contain her laughter.

Lance groaned as his face fell into his hands. "Please start."

"To those who were enslaved by the empire during Zarkon's reign and even to those who weren't, you are free. Zarkon is dead. I am the son of Zarkon and like many of those who were under his reign, I have suffered from his hand. That ends now. I am here to rebuild our universe to what it once was and unite us as one." Lotor spoke confidently and sincerely.

"Voltron stands with the New Empire." Shiro announced.

"If you wish to leave the empire, do so, but if you need help rebuilding, do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to help." Lance smiled brightly.

"Ok, turn it off now." Lance said to the sentry but it just stood there. Lance let out a frustrated growl. "Alright, Pidge, I'm gonna need you to do something with them. I can't take it anymore!" Lance hopped from Lotor's lap and kicked the robot sentry as he turned the broadcast off. They were trying not to burst out laughing with it still on.

Lance grabbed Lotor's sword and cut its head off. Honestly, they were so stupid.

"I'll work on it," Pidge said through her snickers.

"We're going to head out!" Shiro called out as they began walking out of the throne room. Lance waved them off and turned to Lotor with a frown.

"Do you think my mom was watching?" Lance whispered as he buried his face into Lotor's chest, taking comfort in his scent.

"Leave us." Lotor ordered the remaining commanders. "I promise to take you home."

"You're really hot when you give orders, you know that?" Lance leered at him and Lotor snorted before leaning down to capture his lips.

Lance hummed happily.

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