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"Is she the Princess?" Veronica whispered to Lance with wide eyes.

"Yeah, isn't she pretty?" Lance whispered back and his little sister nodded. "Go and talk with her."

After a little push, Veronica started chatting up a storm with Allura who looked at Lance helplessly. Lance gave her a thumbs up and she shook her head before engaging in a very serious conversation with Allura.

"Lance, can I talk with you?" Lance turned to see his sister Lya standing there in a beautiful sapphire colored dress, her dark brown hair pulled into a loose bun with stray curly strands framing her face.

"Of course," Lance held his arm out for her which she happily took and they stepped away from the gathering.

"I wanted to apologize," Lya began and Lance frowned, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why? You haven't done anything wrong."

"I have. I wasn't there to protect you Lance, after Maya and father... I should have been there for you but you were the one who stepped up." Tears gathered in her eyes and Lance shot forward to hug her tightly.

"Don't blame yourself. Never blame yourself. It was just as hard on you and we all coped in our own ways. I was so angry and upset after Maya that I had started to take father's beatings without thinking about it. Losing Maya broke him but the way he coped was wrong. He is the one to blame, not you." Lance squeezed her and she let out a sob.

"You're so strong, Lance." Lya whispered, clutching onto him.

"So are you. You have been so successful in your career and don't think I didn't notice you and Zethrid cozying up."

Lya let out a watery laugh and pulled away and he wiped her tears away, avoiding smudging her makeup.

"She's fun and wears her heart on her sleeve and I like that about her." Lya blushed and Lance smiled happily.

"Zethrid has had a tough upbringing, much like you. I wish you all the happiness in the world." Lance grinned.

"This isn't my wedding Lance!" Lya playfully smacked his arm and he laughed with her.

"Go find your big girlfriend," Lance gave her a light push and she kissed his cheek before doing just that.

Before Lance could make it far, he was stopped by Keith.

"I'm sorry." Keith blurted and Lance blinked.

"Why?" Lance wasn't sure why everyone was apologizing to him today.

"For being cruel to you." Keith muttered, fidgeting in place.

Keith was dressed casually but in a way that suited him. He wore a leather jacket and dark jeans with a red shirt. His pants were tucked into his leather boots and his mullet had grown out nicely.

"It's in the past," Lance tried to wave him off but Keith shook his head.

"I was angry and frustrated and I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I was blinded by my rage and you were the easiest target for me and that wasn't fair to you." Keith explained, his eyes on his shoes. As if they were that interesting.

"Thank you, Keith, for apologizing. We've both grown up and to be truthful, I am grateful." Lance admitted sheepishly.


"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have met Lotor, so thank you for that." Lance grinned. "Don't get me wrong, I was pissed at you for a long time but I understood. Shiro is your family and losing him so suddenly was hard on you."

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