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"You will give me Prince Lotor and the former Paladin in exchange for the scientist." Zarkon demanded the paladins with a cocky tone. He was confident that he was going to win either way.

"Only Prince Lotor. His general stays with us." Allura glared daggers into him but Zarkon didn't care for the hostility.

"My son is worthless and so is his general. The Paladin is only good for breeding. You will bring them both or the scientist will die." Zarkon stepped back and behind him was Pidge's father and Lotor's generals.

Lotor growled and Lance had to take his hand and reassure Lotor that he was there.

"Where do you want us to bring them?" Shiro asked through clenched teeth.

"Coordinates will be given. No castle of lions or voltron." Zarkon warned.

"The same goes for you." Allura sneered and the call disconnected.

"His words mean nothing." Lance whispered to Lotor and brought his hands to his lips to gently kiss them. "We will kill him, no matter what it takes."

Lotor let out a shuddered breath and pressed their foreheads together. "It's not me I worry about. I fear that if we fail, he will capture you and do..." Lotor didn't need to finish.

"If you die, I die. We will stick together, no matter what." Lance held Lotor's face in his hands. "Besides, we still have to get bonded."

"Bonded?" Allura whispered, her eyes wide. She accepted that Lance and Lotor had some relationship... but bonding was an entirely different story.

"What's that?" Hunk asked, suddenly confused from Allura's change in attitude.

"It is centuries old and rarely used anymore." Allura began to explain. "It is when two people share blood and combine their souls. It is unbreakable and sacred."

"Do you know what that means, Lance?" Allura glared daggers at Lotor.

"I know exactly what it means." Lance glared right back at her. "How many times do I have to say that I love him before you understand?" This was getting annoying.

"Did he tell you that it binds your very life? If one of you dies, so does the other." Allura's words shocked everyone else who wasn't aware of bonding.

"Of course he did. I wouldn't have agreed to it if I didn't want to do it." Lance rolled his eyes.

"So, you're getting married?" Hunk looked at Lance with wide eyes.

"Yes, but bonding is more personal. It takes 'till death do us part' in a literal sense." Lance gave Hunk a bright smile. "I love him, Hunk."

Hunk nodded in understanding. The idea of their lives being tied together was concerning but seeing how happy Lance is, was enough reasoning for Hunk.

"I better be invited." Hunk grinned and Lance returned it.

"Of course!" Lance shot a smile at Lotor.

"We need to go." Shiro planned to talk with Lance after this fight was over.

"Pidge, Matt, and I will go to Zarkon's coordinates. The rest of you will stay here in a wormhole." Shiro ordered.

Lance and Lotor were already in their armor, ready for the fight.

They followed the trio down to the hangar and entered a pod they would be using instead of a lion. Shiro put cuffs around their wrists but they could easily be removed.

While they flew through the wormhole Allura made, Lance and Lotor watched each other in silence. They spoke without having to speak any words. They knew what the other was thinking.

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