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It had been a week since meeting Lotor and it was much easier to get by knowing he will get away eventually. Although, doubt started to creep in as the days went by slowly. Would Lotor actually come back or was he trying to mess with him?

Lance had just finished his training and took a long hot shower. He needed it. He allowed his body to relax as he stood under the spray for a while. Once he was starting to prune he turned the water off, wrapped a towel around his waist, and headed to his room.

When his door closed behind him and before he could even turn on the lights he was pushed against the door. He began to panic and struggle until he noticed it was Lotor.

"Nice to see you again," Lotor said against his ear and Lance blushed, feeling exposed given that he was only in a towel.

"Can I see you?" Lance blurted out randomly.

Lotor chuckled and turned on the light so Lance was able to see him.

He was right. Lotor was galran but didn't look like the rest of his kin. His skin was a beautiful shade of lilac and his hair long and white. His eyes were yellow but unlike his kin, he had irises that were a brilliant dark blue that reminded him of the galaxy surrounding them.

"You're not bothered?" Lotor noticed his lack of shock or even outrage. People tend to be distrusting towards the galra. He didn't blame them.

"Should I be?" Lance tilted his head.

"No, but I was expecting an outburst." Lotor admitted.

Lance thought he sort of looked altean with the white hair and pointed ears but he didn't see any marks on his cheeks. He was big compared to Lance but he was lean and well built.

"Are you galran?" Lance wondered.

"Half. My mother was altean." Lotor told him.

"I thought so, but I don't see any marks." Lance reached up without thinking and caressed his cheek. Once he realized what he did, he pulled his hand away as if he was burned and blushed.

"They are hidden," Lotor demonstrated by shifting his lilac skin to a golden brown much like his own. His altean marks were a lilac purple with a slight glow to them. 

"Pretty," Lance muttered.

"Thank you." Lotor looked amused and Lance looked away in embarrassment.

"Sorry..." Lance mumbled.

"It's not everyday that I get called pretty, but thank you." Lotor teased, still pinning Lance against his door.

They both quickly became aware of how close they actually were and Lance looked up at him, his breath catching in his throat as Lotor's skin returned to purple. Now that he knew the marks were there, Lance felt like he was able to see the marks have a slight little glow to them.

"Can I kiss you?" Lotor's question surprised them both but Lance bit his lip and nodded.

Closing the distance between them, Lotor captured his lips with a light kiss, testing the waters.

Lance stood on his tiptoes to deepen the kiss, feeling fuzzy and his stomach doing several backflips. He groaned when Lotor's hands grabbed his waist and Lance buried his fingers into his soft hair.

Lotor growled, making Lance's skin prickle and he shivered as his hot tongue swiped his lips but a sudden knocking on the door made them both jump in surprise.

"Lance? Are you in there?" Lance immediately panicked and shoved Lotor towards his bed.

"I'm naked, give me a minute!" Lance called back and as Lotor laid down he covered him with the blanket and shoved a pillow onto his face. Lance dropped his towel and grabbed a long shirt and pulled it on before slipping under the blankets with Lotor, sitting on his hips. Hopefully, Lotor's legs weren't too noticeable to not be passed as his own.

Lance felt stupid for this but he had panicked. 

"Come in." Lance schooled his expression and Keith entered. He didn't seem surprised that Lance was in bed.

"I wanted to let you know we will be going on a mission. We got a possible lead on Shiro. Don't fuck it up like you always do." With that, he turned on his heel and left his room.

Lance let out a breath but the impact of Keith's words made him wish he was gone already. He had forgotten Lotor was there until the man cleared his throat.

"Sorry!" Lance panicked and grabbed the pillow and noticed he was sitting on Lotor's hips.

Lotor sat up and Lance realized he wasn't wearing anything under his shirt and let out a surprised squeak when the fabric of Lotor's suit rubbed against his nether region.

Lotor also seemed to notice and looked down. Lance grabbed his shirt and pulled it down with his cheeks burning.

Lotor chuckled. "Do you always blush like this?"

Lance could only blush harder and looked away.

"Not that I'm complaining, but do you mind getting up? It's getting rather warm." Lance noticed a faint dark purple dusting his cheeks and he clumsily slid off his lap.

Lotor's hair was slightly ruffled which made Lance giggle. "Here," he reached over to his nightstand to grab a comb and handed it to Lotor.

"Thanks." Lotor began to comb his hair.

"What do you use? Your hair is really soft." Lance wondered.

"When you join me, I will tell you." Lotor said amused and put the comb back where Lance had grabbed it.

"Will you let me braid it?" Lance asked and Lotor raised a white eyebrow.

"My hair is rather sensitive so as long as you promise to be gentle then yes." Lotor smirked while Lance nodded excitedly.


Silence washed over them and Lance took the chance to process what Keith had told him.

"A lead on Shiro? Probably another dead end." Lance whispered. He wanted to see Shiro again because at least he always treated Lance fairly.

"Is Shiro your leader?" Lotor asked.

Lance nodded. "He was captured a while ago and Keith, who was just here, is piloting the black lion."

"If anyone were to have him, it would be Haggar." Lotor spat her name out. "Crazy witch."

"I can't imagine what he's going through." Lance shook his head. "Do you have to go?"

"I came here to give you this. It's a tracker and when you are on your mission, send out a signal and I will come for you." Lotor handed him what looked like a phone. "If you need to communicate in an emergency, just press this button." Lotor pointed to one of the buttons.

"Would it be better if we made it look like you captured me as your prisoner?" Lance asked as he worried his bottom lip. Lance still felt uneasy, feeling like he was betraying his team, which, he was, but a heavy weight he didn't even know on his shoulders was already getting lighter and lighter. 

Even if Lotor was lying and this was all just a plot to break up Voltron, he found that he didn't really care. 

"I can do that." Lance quickly agreed and Lotor got up from the bed and adjusted his armor.

"I'll see you soon."

"Promise?" Lance grinned at Lotor who rolled his eyes playfully.


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