Fight With Me

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"Warlord Ranveig, he is one of the fiercest galra in the empire. That is why my father sent him to the fringes of the universe. He will already have many factions pledging their allegiance." Lotor said.

"Commander Gnov was one of Zarkon's most trusted advisors. She will be working to merge the commanders in Zarkon's inner circle. She isn't as reckless as Warlong Ranveig, but she is just as cruel." Lotor was giving details of the images on the screen. They were going to be contenders he had to fight.

"Quartermaster Janka, he oversees supply routes throughout the empire. His power is bureaucracy, don't let him fool you. He shouldn't be underestimated." Lotor finished.

"Yeah, he always keeps popping up in my database. His supply management is astonishing, he totally color codes." Pidge said.

"Hagar will most definitely be there. She isn't eligible for the throne but she probably has a puppet already." Lotor explained.

"If any of those people take the throne, Zarkon's reign will continue." Shiro said, still trying to convince Allura that they were doing the right thing. Coran would always stand with his Princess even if he knows she is in the wrong. Keith was getting on board with the idea.

"I still think it is risky." Allura said, shaking her head.

"It is always going to be risky. Do you want the war to keep going? To have more and more planets be destroyed and people wiped out?" Lance asked her and she looked away. No. She didn't want that. She just didn't want to trust Lance or Lotor.

"My father was a cruel man. Those generals of his are just like him. They were raised in the empire and share Zarkon's views. I too was raised to believe his views but unlike them, I got away from his influence." Lotor told her. "It is a risk, Princess, but if we don't take chances like this, we are cowards. Those suffering within the empire will keep on suffering if we don't step in. I may not be the emperor you want and you may not like the way I run things, but I do not condone conquering planets against their will. I do not condone unnecessary cruelty."

"The galra have forgotten the old ways and there will no doubt be civil wars among us, but overtime, we will forgo unjust punishments and cruelty." Lotor finished and Lance squeezed his hand to reassure him.

"I will not help." Allura finalized her answer.

"I understand." No one could force her to help and no one could force them not to help.

Shiro shook his head and silence fell over everyone.


"Through thirty-three rulers, during times of peace and times of expense, this flame has burned for over thirteen millennia. From our first, Brodar, to Vrig the Great, and longest and most powerful of them all, Zarkon. But his time has passed." The archivist spoke just as the flame in the Kral Zera stopped burning, declaring that Zarkon's rule was truly over.

Commanders and generals stood amongst each other, each having the same goal as they looked upon the Kral Zera. "Our next ruler, ascend the steps of destiny and relight the Kral Zera!" The archivist finished with open arms and silence fell over before a commander walked to the pit of purple flames, reaching for a torch.

"Only the strongest can lay their hands on a torch. I will assume command as I have been on the frontlines of the expanse, where iron meets souls, spreading glory for the empire." He spoke confidently. "Where I do not sit on already conquered worlds, getting fat on the spoils of war of our forefathers." He finished, holding the torch.

"Warlord Ranveig speaks the truth. That is why Sendak, the purest of the galra, should light the flame." Haggar spoke coldly as Sendak stepped forward. "He was Zarkon's right hand for millennia, and he would lead the empire for ten-thousand more years." She grinned.

"Sendak?" Warlord Ranveig let out a barking laugh. "He who was hiding while the empire fell apart? He who needs a witch to speak on his behalf?" He taunted.

"Enough! Victory or Death!" Sendak snarled as he raised his new and improved arm.

"You will find out why Zarkon put me in the most dangerous territory in the universe." Warlord Ranveig grinned, eager for a fight as he raised his weapons.


Lance and Lotor had a moment alone while they were flying to planet Feyiv. "I would like you to rule the empire with me, by my side." Lotor told Lance whose eyes had widened in surprise.

"What?" Lance breathed.

"We are planning on getting married on Earth and we have been in this war together the moment we met, why not end it together? Completely?" Lotor held Lance in his arms, his hands around his waist.

"Fight with me and light the flame with me." Lotor whispered and Lance saw just how serious he was.

"You want me to rule with you? I don't know how..." Lance furrowed his eyebrows.

"I will teach you." Lotor reassured him. "I can't do it without you."

"How can I say no to that?" Lance smiled up at him. "I will always stay by your side, My Prince."

Lance stood up to kiss Lotor deeply. Truthfully, he had already agreed at "I would like you" and despite his fear of being rejected or making mistakes, he knew Lotor would help him adjust.

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