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"Zethrid, we can spar when my family isn't here." Lance told her and the woman growled in annoyance.

"I wanna see!" Marco raised his hand with Veronica and Luis nodding vigorously.

"Come on little shrimp, you heard the little man!" Zethrid boomed and grabbed Lance, throwing him over her shoulder and began walking towards the training room.

Behind them, Lotor sighed fondly. "Zethrid likes to spar with him because she always tries to beat him."

"You're saying Lance always wins against her?" Luis asked in disbelief.

Lotor chuckled. "Lance is a talented fighter. He is quick on his feet and stealthy. Zethrid on the other hand is loud and slow in comparison. That isn't to say she isn't talented as well, but she is used to fighting bigger and stronger opponents much like Lance."

"Has she beaten him before?" Lyanna asked curiously.

"No, but there have been close calls. Those two don't stop until the other gives in or I have to stop them." Lotor smirked. "If I don't, by the time they are done, everything around them is destroyed and they are beaten and bloody."


"Zethrid can take a punch from Lance when he uses his arm so they typically go all out when they fight."

They arrived at the training room and Lotor had them close to the wall.

"Alright, any weapons? Knife, sword, gun?" Lance was doing some light stretches. "Or do you want to use our fists?" Lance's grin was bloodthirsty which Zethrid returned.

"Fists." Zethrid agreed and parted her legs and pulled her fists up.

Lance shook out his arms before taking his own stance. They stared at each other before Lance moved first, darting towards her incredibly fast. Zethrid threw her arms up to block her face and Lance used his prosthetic arm to punch her in the gut.

Zethrid grunted and threw a punch that Lance managed to dodge but the next one got him. "It's been a while," Lance got his arms up and started to swiftly dodge her punches, getting in a rhythm.

Lance caught her fist with his hand and rammed into her, making her stumble backwards but she wasn't able to dodge fast enough with his series of punches. Zethrid grunted and swung her arm, hitting him right in the face and sending him to the floor.

His mother and siblings all gasped but he sprung right back up. "Don't worry, Lance heals fast." Ezor reassured them but it wasn't exactly reassuring to them.

"That hurt, Zethrid," Lance grinned and charged at her.

"Watch." Lotor's eyes were trained on Lance who was charging at Zethrid, which looked like he was about to take her head on. Zethrid parted her legs, prepared for him to crash into her but he slid right under her legs, twisting his body to stand up quickly before jumping onto her back.

He threw his body towards the ground, taking Zethrid with him but before they hit the ground, Lance slipped out from under the woman and she fell to the floor, causing the room to shake with her impact.

Zethrid groaned. "I yield."

Lance laughed and helped her up. "I've never seen you do that before." Zethrid wiped her brow of sweat.

"Well, I've done it on the training bot on the castle," Lance explained with a shrug.

"Sorry for hitting you." Zethrid patted him on the back.

"You've hit harder," They grinned at each other.

"My turn!" Ezor bounced over, shooing Zethrid away.

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