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"Don't tell me you're fucking him." Keith spat in anger and disgust written all over his face. Everyone else was shocked except for Shiro who remained quiet.

"So what if I am?" Lance turned towards Keith, his hand in Lotor's.

"Fucking traitor." Keith grabbed his bayard. "He's Zarkon's son."

"And you're a piece of shit." Lance's words and fury stopped all of them. Never has Lance insulted them in any way. He was always cheerful and quick to resolve a situation with humor.

Lance's cold demeanor towards them was a surprise.

"You were wanting to get rid of me before I got captured." Lance clenched his fists. "You've treated me like shit from day one!"

"Oh poor Lance." Keith taunted.

"Keith." Shiro warned.

"I'm not intelligent like Pidge or crafty like Hunk. I don't have Shiro's leadership skills or Keith's experience in fighting. I worked my ass off to prove myself to everyone that I was worthy of being a Paladin."

"Even when Shiro was here, everyone looked down on me. I didn't care at the time because I liked being a Paladin and working with everyone. But when Shiro was gone, you all turned on me. I wasn't included in your plans for missions and was expected to know what I wasn't told."

"I was blamed for a mission failing and all you ever did Keith, was blame everyone else around you for your mistakes."

Keith opened his mouth.

"I'm not finished." Lance growled.

"I thought maybe it's because everyone is missing Shiro and without him we can't find our way, but no. Everyone started to ignore me. No big deal. I just trained harder and harder and yet I still wasn't good enough."

"I began hating it here. I was alone and had no one. We were supposed to rely on each other but no, I was left to rely on myself. I worked my ass off day and night to get stronger, blaming myself because maybe I wasn't good enough to be a part of voltron. Then I realized that I wasn't good enough for you."

"I was never Lotor's prisoner. It hurt like hell when I accepted that I didn't belong here. I belong with Lotor. I belong with his team because they treated me with the respect that I deserve." Lance looked at Lotor, a small smile on his lips.

"I didn't expect to fall for him, but I fell hard. I had almost died from my wounds but he made sure I lived. I know exactly who he is and I trust him with my life. I don't expect you to trust him but he is nothing like Zarkon. I don't give a rats ass if I am a traitor because in the end you all got what you wanted right? Voltron back to its glory. You don't need me."

Lance finished, breathless from his outburst. It felt good to finally get everything off his chest.

Hunk and Pidge had tears in their eyes and with one look at each other they began bawling. "We're so sorry Lance!" They cried.

Lance couldn't help but laugh. "I don't hate you. I love you both like family. I couldn't take being here anymore."

Hunk wiped his nose and Pidge took her glasses off to wipe her eyes.

"Lance... my arrogance blinded me from realizing what we did. It is my fault, and I am truly sorry." Allura apologized with a whisper.

"Are we going to forget that he gave up his body to Zarkon's son because someone was nice to him?" Keith couldn't believe everyone. Lance should be the one apologizing. Not them.

Lotor lost his temper. He was grabbing Keith's neck before he knew it.

"You do not deserve Lance," Lotor sneered. "You should be on your knees kissing his feet and begging for his forgiveness."

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