Space Mall Shenanigans

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"I figured I could contact the tailor." Lotor said as they walked through the mall, still talking about their wedding.

"Didn't he dress us up for that stupid gala?" Lance asked, remembering how pointless that gala had been in terms of politics but he did look damn good, Lotor especially. Lance could hardly keep his hands on his lover dressed like that...

"Actually, yes, contact him because you looked hot as fuck at the party," Lance grinned then grunted when the back of his head was smacked.

"Language!" Rosa chided and Lance smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Can we go off on our own?" Luis asked curiously.

"You shouldn't. There are space pirates here and they're not fun to deal with." Lance grimaced remembering the last time he had to deal with space pirates.

"What happened?" Marco eagerly asked.

"Well, Coran had thought it would be a good idea if we dressed up as space pirates and it didn't go all that well..." Lance grinned. "We got a cow here too, made milkshakes and everything. I also dived into a wishing fountain to buy a game from earth."

"When did all of that happen?" Lyanna asked, her face scrunched up thinking about all the chaos her younger brother got into.

"When I was still with Voltron." Despite how things turned out with his former teammates, they did still have some good times.

"If you want to go off on your own, take one of the girls with you. I'm gonna go get a few things." Lance pulled Lotor down to whisper in his ear. "I'm going to that store, did you have anything in mind?"

Lotor visibly swallowed. "How about... a collar and leash?"

Lance's skin prickled at the thought and he nodded eagerly, ideas flashing in his mind.

"Come with me Lotor," Rosa linked her arm around his, giving Lance a knowing look before dragging his lover away.

Lance split off and made his way towards the less populated area of the mall and entered the shop that they didn't go to nearly as often as he would like.

Lance looked around at all the items such as rope, dildos, vibratos, cuffs and all sorts of other kinky things.

When he reached the collars, he felt each one until he settled on a black leather one that felt nice on his skin before finding a matching leash. Lance also got a few... other items he wanted to try on Lotor and himself.

Lance was glad for the unlabeled bag and visited other stores to get other things, such as more shampoo and skin care products.

Normally, they would order things from Togo's, which was basically space's amazon, but he was already here and he might as well get a few things.

After an hour, Lance looked for his family who were at a restaurant eating sweets, Marco and Veronica chatting with big grins on their faces, Veronica petting Kova who sat on her lap and Narti standing not too far away from them.

Lyanna was with Zethird, talking about something that they were both focused on. Luis was with Acxa and Ezor, his face red and he could guess that Ezor had been teasing him.

Lotor and his mother were talking and when he approached them, Rosa gave him a big smile. "I approve of your man, Lance, he is amazing."

Lance looked at Lotor for an explanation but the man kept his mouth shut, his lips twitching.

"Don't look at him like that, I wasn't telling him much..." Rosa smacked his arm lightly, a teasing grin on her face.

"Mama!" Lance whined, even more curious as to what his mother was telling Lotor.

Lance tried convincing Lotor to tell him but his lover refused and Lance pouted before yanking the pastry out of his hands and hopping up.

"I'll just have this then," Lance grinned, taking a bite and when Lotor got up to snatch it back, he ran away.

Lotor chased after him and strong arms wrapped around his middle, making Lance break into a fit of giggles. Lotor attacked his neck and face with persistent kisses and Lance tried pushing him away but the man refused to let him go.

"Sharing is caring, Lance," Lotor smirked before capturing his lips in a hungry kiss.

Lotor's tongue invaded his mouth and Lance let out a weak moan. "The bag seemed pretty heavy, what else did you get?"

Lance's fingers dug into Lotor's hair as his lips attacked his neck. "Just some- ah- Lotor... things I wanted... to try on you..."

Lotor raised an eyebrow. "On me?"

"Y-yeah," Lance panted, his body growing hot. "I... I want to tie you up and ride you..."

Lotor groaned and the sound went straight to Lance's dick. "What else?"

"I got... a vibrator... I wanted to put it inside of you while you fucked me." Lance's legs were weak at just the thought and Lotor grabbed his ass in a bruising grip.

"I would let you fuck me," Lotor said into his ear and Lance shivered.

"You would?" The idea of fucking Lotor had him eager to get back home to do just that.

"I knew you two were kinky!" A voice said from behind them and Lance's face went red with embarrassment.

"Ezor!" Lance screeched, breaking free from Lotor, trying to cool his hot body.

Lotor licked his lips with a smirk, a hungry look in his eyes and Lance was barely managing to keep himself from jumping his lover.

Beside Ezor and Acxa were Lyanna and Luis, Lya was nodding her head in approval and winked at Lance while Luis' face was a bright red.

"You bitch!" Lance jumped at Ezor, tackling her to the ground and the girl cackled loudly. "As if you and Acxa aren't kinky as fuck!"

"Yeah but we don't practically fuck in front of you and Lotor, do we?" Ezor shot back and Lance pressed his lips together. That's true...

"Well, it's not like you don't enjoy it," Lance poked her in the stomach until she squirmed with laughter.

"I-I don't!" Ezor shouted through her laughter.

"You little liar! It probably turns you on!" Lance grinned mischievously and Ezor tried to pout.

"So what if it does?" Ezor flipped them over and it was her turn to attack him with tickles. "You're a little slut and so am I and that makes us besties."

Lance grinned and pulled her down for a tight hug, making the girl giggle happily. "I love you so much my little pink lady!"

"Gert errf!" Ezor's voice was muffled as she struggled to push Lance off of her.

"What's going on here?" A stern voice boomed and they looked up to see a mall cop.

Lance detangled from Ezor, his hair tousled and face flushed. "Nothing, just having fun."

"Right, keep it quiet, you're disturbing the other customers." The man glared at them before turning around and Lance turned to Ezor and the pair broke into a fit of giggles.

"Alright you two, fun is over," Lotor grabbed the back of Lance's jacket and dragged him away while Acxa did the same to Ezor.

"This isn't over, Ezor!" Lance promised the girl who stuck a tongue out at him.

"What just happened?" Luis asked Veronica who shrugged.

"Just Lance being Lance." Luis nodded his agreement.

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