Prince Lotor

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The Castle of Lions was silent and cold. The sort of cold that lingered from the lives that no longer fill the castle with warmth.

Lotor made his way into the castle of lions without being caught. He expected it to be more difficult but with his Altean blood, the ship didn't recognize him as a threat and so he remained on the ship to gather information on the paladins and used one of the abandoned rooms no one uses anymore.

One of the paladins caught his eyes and he found it odd that he pilots the red lion but wears the blue paladin's armor. However, considering that their leader isn't present at the moment, they were out of order. He noticed the other paladins practically ignoring their teammate. They had no coordination and their leader who wore red armor wasn't leader material.

Princess Allura wasn't much of a leader either and with their team being so undivided, it would be easy to overpower Voltron but he wasn't interested in that. Perhaps causing more chaos would be fun and that would be getting to the vulnerable blue paladin.

Everyone was so relaxed and unguarded that it was easy to sneak around and watch the team interact. He doubted they would even notice if he happened to be in plain sight.

The blue paladin picked at his food disinterested before pushing the plate away and getting up. No one noticed him leaving or even when he had arrived for that matter. Lotor followed him.

The training room on the Castle of Lions was impressive and Lotor watched as the boy did a few stretching exercises. He hadn't changed into his armor and instead remained in his jeans and long sleeve.

Lotor wondered if he was going to fight without a weapon when his bayard appeared in his hand.

"Begin training sequence!" He called out, his bayard in hand and ready. "Level 18."

The bot materialized in the center of the room and the paladin hit it with a well aimed shot from his rifle. Instead of taking the shot, it summoned a shield to block the bullet before it charged at him immediately with a spear in hand. He managed to change his rifle into a spear to defend himself from blow after blow as the bot attacked him.

The bot was relentless with each attack and every hit made Lotor's own body rattle.

As a paladin, his bayard bent to his will and while the bot was attacking, he willed his bayard to materialize into his left hand where he shoved the dagger into its neck and severed its head from its body completely.

The bot disintegrated as it crumbled to the floor and the paladin sighed in relief when the level finally ended. Taking a moment to catch his breath and wipe his brow, he continued to practice before he disabled the bot and left the training room.

It was rather impressive to watch the paladin fight and even though he was surprised the bot summoned a shield to block his shot, the paladin didn't let that stop him from changing his tactic.

Lotor followed him to the showers and watched him strip, appreciating his lean and muscled body as he stepped under the spray.

"Lance? Are you here?" A voice called and Lotor made sure he was hidden. So his name was Lance?

The red paladin approached his stall while Lance could care less the other man was able to see him naked. The red paladin flushed an embarrassing red and Lotor softly chuckled.

Lance rolled his eyes and turned the water off and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist.

"If it's not important, I'm going to my room." Lance waited for the red paladin to turn back around.

"Another nap? You can't just be sleeping and lazing around all day while the rest of us are working hard." He scolded.

"I already trained for the day. If you don't believe me, check the footage." Lance grabbed his bag with his toiletries and stepped past his teammate, not willing to deal with his attitude.

He grabbed Lance's wrist. "You can't talk to me like that."

Lance scoffed and easily got out of the paladin's grip. "I am not going to waste my time on someone so naive."

Lance walked away and Lotor followed him. He entered his room and once he made sure no one was coming down the halls, he walked to the door and pressed his ear against it.

He heard some sniffling and wondered if the boy was crying.

Lotor had come here to gather intel on the paladins but now he found his mission changing. Perhaps he could recruit the blue paladin. His own teammates didn't appreciate him and Lotor has a habit of taking in misfits. At least with Lotor, his skills would be appreciated and given how his teammates treat him, he didn't think it would be that hard.

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