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Lance stirred awake and slowly opened his eyes and looked over to see Lotor still sleeping, a peaceful expression on his face. He was laying on his stomach with his arms under his pillow and he snored softly. He loved the rare moments when he woke up before Lotor and indulged himself and watched him sleep.

Lance remembered last night and smiled warmly. They were going to get bonded. Their relationship has progressed fast but it felt right. Lance had no doubts about what he wanted.

"It's rude to stare." Lotor murmured, his voice rough with sleep.

Lance pouted. "I wasn't staring."

Lotor just deadpanned. "I could feel your eyes on me."

Lance rolled his eyes and made Lotor roll onto his back and straddled his hips. "I like watching you sleep. I know you watch me and it's rare for me to wake up before you."

Lotor pulled Lance down for a kiss, his hands running down Lance's sides and slipping beneath his shirt. Lance shivered and opened his mouth, letting Lotor ravish him with that sinful tongue. It felt good to give up all control and hand it over to Lotor and let the man completely take over his body and soul.

"I want you," Lance whispered, his hands running through Lotor's soft hair.

"We don't have much time." Lotor muttered against his neck.

"I don't care, I want to feel you inside," Lance tugged slightly on his hair, smirking when Lotor groaned and nipped his neck.

"Will you be able to walk?" Lotor teased.

"I heal quickly, remember?" Lance smiled.

"We will be late." Lotor reminded him.

Lance groaned and rolled his eyes. "Acxa will handle it. How much more convincing do you need?"

"None. You had me at 'I want you.' I just wanted to hear you beg." Lotor grinned and Lance huffed dramatically.

"If you want me to beg, all you have to do is ask, but right now, I'm too impatient to beg." Lance wrapped his legs around Lotor's waist and reached a hand down to rub Lotor's erection.

"You're a bad influence." Lotor groaned as Lance squeezed him.

"Shouldn't I be saying that to you?" Lance palmed him impatiently.

"You asked for it," Lotor grinned and reached for the nightstand to pull out the lube. He quickly prepared Lance, not wanting to waste any time. Lance was whimpering and pleading with Lotor. It didn't matter if he had only used two fingers to stretch him. The pain would be worth it.

Lance let out a happy sigh as Lotor pushed into him. It burned but he didn't care.

Both of them were too eager to take their time and quickly finished, leaving them breathless and satisfied. Lance didn't want it to end. He wanted Lotor to stay inside of him.

"Lance?" Lotor spoke softly as he brushed Lance's fringe from his face.

"Don't pull out. Not yet." Lance whispered and wrapped his arms around his neck to pull Lotor closer.

"Do you want to... keep it inside?" Lotor asked, slightly confused and Lance snorted.

"What?" Lotor asked.

"That was cute." Lance smiled at him. "But... I do. I want to feel you inside of me all day." Lance admitted with flushed cheeks and Lotor pursed his lips in thought.

"Do you think the space mall has buttplugs?" Lance laughed when Lotor looked at him with wide eyes.

"A what?"

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