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"Honerva has awoken my lord." The healer Kaz bowed politely to her Emperor and Lotor turned from where he was working.

"Thank you, Kaz, I'll be there to see her in just a moment." Lotor dismissed her and she bowed once again before leaving.

Lotor frowned once he was alone, unsure of how he felt about Hag- Honerva being awake or just being Honerva in general.

Just a few days ago, he believed his mother died and now it turns out she had always been present in his life?

There was a lot on the Emperor's mind and he wasn't sure if he would be able to form a relationship with the woman or even forgive her. She stood and watched as his father beat him, barely batting an eye when he cried and begged for his father to stop.

However, he also understood the temptation of quintessence. It was alluring and promised power and a long life. It was because of her experiments with quintessence that allowed him to live for so long and why she lost her memories in the first place. It is why Zarkon became so obsessed with quintessence and power.

If he hadn't met Lance, he probably would've killed her without a care, but now that he knows what it is like to love and be loved in return, as well as see the relationship his lover has with his own mother, well, it made him ache to feel such a bond as well.

Sometimes, he couldn't understand Lance's unconditional and devoted love towards him, believing it was all some messed up dream and he would wake up without that sunlight in his life. He used to believe he wasn't worthy of love, blamed himself and Zarkon for making him feel that way but then he saw the paladin on the Castle of Lions and felt compassionate towards him.

The way his team treated Lance still made his blood boil and he wondered how Lance could forgive them so easily, but it was his nature. Lance was far more compassionate and had much more love in his heart than Lotor could imagine.

Lotor did feel compassion but it always backfires on him, or at least it used to. Lotor had helped develop refuge planets in different parts of the galaxy to try and protect them from Zarkon's wrath but in the end he couldn't protect them.

Lotor promised himself he wouldn't feel such compassion again but then he met Lance.

Lotor didn't expect to fall in love with Lance. He intended to persuade the paladin to join him in order to split Voltron up further but Lance's strength and light had drawn him in.

Lance was incredibly strong, stronger than Lotor could ever be. He fit in so easily and even wormed his way into the hearts of his generals who used to be just as cold and cruel as him. It sometimes baffles him how much they changed all because of Lance.

Their relationship had moved so fast and it scared him but it felt so right. He didn't even know a part of him was missing.

Trying to clear his thoughts, Lotor made his way to their room where Lance was sleeping.

When he entered, he smiled fondly seeing Lance taking up the whole bed, curled up with the sheets crumbled between his legs.

Lotor walked over and sat beside his lover, watching his peaceful face and the rise and fall of his chest as he snored softly, his lips parting occasionally.

Lance let out a soft groan and slowly blinked his eyes and saw Lotor watching him. "Are you okay?" Lance asked, stretching like a cat and moving to rest his head against Lotor's thigh.

"Honerva woke up," Lotor told him and Lance's eyes widened and flew upwards.

"Have you seen her yet?" Lance asked, suddenly very awake.

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