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Prince Lotor's generals stood in the open hangar door as the ship flew over the planet Puig, passing farmlands, villages, and cities. It was a desert with nothing but sand and heat. The planet seemed rather poor save for a few houses that looked to be in better condition than the others. No doubt the constant harassment from Zarkon's forces prevented them from prospering. They intended to change that.

Lance and Acxa jumped from the ship, using boosters to guild them where they needed to be. The other girls landed with ease while Lance positioned himself on a tall stone building, removing his sniper rifle from his back and setting it up.

"Ezor, find their leader. Zethrid and Narti, take prisoners. Lance, stay above and cover us. Only stun them, no killing." Acxa gave their orders and they immediately split off to do their tasks.

Blasts shot at Acxa but her reflexes were too quick for any of the bullets to hit and she flipped in the air, dodging the blasts. Lance aimed and let out a breath before firing, making sure to only stun anyone who attacked them. The stun would hurt like a bitch but it quickly incapacitated their target. They weren't looking to kill anyone.

"Damn, you are badass Acxa," Lance said into the mic with a grin. He hasn't felt this thrilled over a mission in a long time. The adrenaline was allowing him to think clearly and make comments, which is what he does best.

"What about me?" Zethrid grunted into the comms as she fought a large elephant-like creature that was much bigger than her but she grabbed its horns and yanked, knocking it to the ground. Lance shot it with a strong stunner and it slumped down.

"Hey!" Zethrid pouted and Lance grinned. "I know you didn't need help, girlie, but you can't take all the glory!"

Zethrid's loud booming laughter echoed loudly in his ears but he didn't want it any other way.

Narti and Kova worked together, walking on silent feet as they quickly stunned people and tied them up as prisoners.

"I found their leader." Ezor informed them and Lotor quickly replied. "Regroup with Ezor. Keep the leader subdued."

"Yes sir!" Ezor said cheerfully while the others replied in a less cheerful tone. Not that they weren't cheerful but they weren't as enthusiastic as Ezor. No one was.

Lance swung his gun onto his back and jumped from one roof to the other, using his boosters to land right next to the other girls. Zethrid elbowed Lance with a grin and he returned the grin.

Lotor landed the ship where they were keeping the leader and stepped out to meet his generals and entered the hut where the leader was being kept. They walked in and saw soldiers lying on the ground unconscious as Ezor chatted the leader's ear out.

"Hey, what is that? Some sort of communicator?" Ezor noticed he was fidgeting nervously and snatched the device from his hand. "You weren't trying to call for help were you?" Ezor teased with laughter in his tone but then turned serious. "Prince Lotor would not like that."

The leader tried reaching for the device but Ezor stepped to the side and he fell to the floor. He shouted in annoyance and lunged for her again but she grabbed him by his horns and tossed him towards Lotor. The man coughed as he inhaled sand and looked up to see quite the intimidating sight.

Lance and Acxa both pointed their pistols at him and that was warning enough for him to settle on his knees with a defeated expression.

"W-who are you?" He asked, looking up at Prince Lotor.

"You dare speak to Prince Lotor?" Acxa sneered and Lotor raised a hand. "Now, Now, Acxa, that's no way to treat our new ally. Let him continue."

"We will not be enslaved again!" The man was clearly doubting his own words but he meant them. "We are free."

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