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"Lance!" Veronica cried as she practically tackled Lance into a hug. "I've missed you so much!" She sobbed.

"Wait... Who's the purple dude?" Veronica asked once she noticed Lotor standing there.

"That's Lotor." Lance snorted.

"If the purple bothers you, I can change." Lotor's skin shifted and his purple altean marks were showing on his light brown skin.

Lance smiled fondly and caressed the marks with his thumbs. "He is my... boyfriend? Soul mate?" It didn't feel right calling Lotor his "boyfriend."

"A wizard?!" Veronica shouted, her eyes wide.

Lance snorted. "No, he's an alien from space you dork." Lance rolled his eyes. "Where I have been all this time."

"How big is space?" Marco jumped in excitement.

"Huge! It is endless!" Lance grinned at him. "I've met all kinds of different species and been to all kinds of different planets. There are thousands out there."

"Can you take us one day?" Luis asked and his brother and sister were nodding along.

"Well, I suppose. It's a lot safer than it has been the past few years. Once all of the rebellions are taken care of, we can take you to the ship." Lance smiled at his siblings as they bounced in excitement, acting like little kids who

"The ship?" Marco tilted his head.

"Yeah it's where we live." Lance grinned.

"Come, let's talk over food," Rosa began to usher them into the kitchen. Tons of food was laid across the table and Rosa rushed to grab more plates to set on the table for Lance and Lotor.

"Where is Lya?" Lance asked as he sat down, grabbing food for himself and Lotor quickly.

"She is on her way home from work." Rosa smiled.

Lotor looked adorably confused when Lance handed him a plate. "Gotta grab your food first or you miss out." Lance winked.

They all watched as Lotor picked up his fork to take a bite and his eyes immediately widened. "This... is delicious."

They all laughed. "Thank you son," Rosa smiled happily.

"Mom's food is the best." Lance grinned proudly.

"Compared to the goo you had to eat at the castle, this is godly." Lotor pointed out.

"True." Lance took a bite and closed his eyes. His mothers cooking was something he had longed for. The taste of home.

The front door opened. "I'm home!" A woman shouted.

"We're eating honey!" Rosa called.

"You're eating without me?" She sounded confused. They never ate without her.

A woman entered the kitchen wearing a suit, fashionable heels, and had a tight bun. She froze when she saw Lance and let out a sharp exhale. "Lance?"

"Lya," Lance stood up and she pulled him into a tight hug, crying as she held him close. She held his face in her hands and showered him with kisses.

"H-how are you here?" Her voice cracked.

"Sit down and eat, Lance will explain everything." Rosa gave her a knowing smile and she sniffed, wiping her eyes as she took a seat. They left her food and she began to fill her plate.

"Wait, why is there a hot purple dude sitting with us?" Lya looked at her siblings when they started to giggle.

"He's my... boyfriend." Lance cringed saying it, causing his siblings to snort.

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