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Lotor was the first to wake up and found himself warm with Lance pressed against him, face buried in his neck and snoring softly. Lotor watched Lance sleep and noticed the way his mouth hung slightly and his chest rising and falling with each breath. He twitched occasionally and mumbled something under his breath.

Lance began to stir and slowly opened his eyes and when he realized where he was at and who he was with, he flushed. Instead of flailing back, he just smiled at Lotor. "Good morning," he said, his voice laced with sleep.

"Good morning, how do you feel?" Lotor asked and Lance took a few deep breaths. "Hungry."

Lotor chuckled, the sound deep and scratchy and Lance felt himself flush further. He liked that sound.

Lotor noticed his flushed cheeks and moved on top of Lance, his hands on either side of his head. "Is that all?" Lotor purred as he leered at Lance.

Lance stuttered, unable to form a reply and Lotor leaned closer, obviously teasing him. "I-it's a little w-warm..." Lance blushed.

"Is it?" Lotor leaned down to his ear and whispered. "You are very warm. Your cheeks are red."

Lance shuddered and let out a small groan, his hands darting out to grab Lotor's arm as if to steady himself. God, this man was going to kill him. "Fuck," he knew he was reacting to Lotor's voice and mere presence, but damn. At this rate, he might just come undone from his voice alone.

Was it supposed to be this easy to fall in love? Because Lance was falling hard.

"If you don't kiss me, I might burst, and that won't be fun to clean up." Lance looked at him and tried to keep his voice steady but failed miserably.

"Ah yes, we wouldn't want that to happen would we?" Lotor finally, finally, leaned down and kissed him. Lance wrapped his arms around his neck to stop Lotor from pulling away again and opened his mouth, letting Lotor ravage him with his tongue.

Lance moaned, leaning further into Lotor to try and get as close as he could. Lance fought back Lotor with his own tongue and shuddered when his large hands gripped his hips. Lotor slipped his fingers beneath Lance's shirt, his shirt, and explored the smooth skin of his chest and abdomen. Lance eagerly leaned into his touch and pulled away for a breath, but Lotor wasn't done, oh no, he was a greedy man.

Kissing and licking at his neck, Lotor lightly touched his nipples and teasing them with the pads of his fingers. Lance let out a surprised squeak but was quickly replaced with a moan and he closed his eyes as Lotor continued to tease him.

"Lotor..." Lance whimpered, his fingers tugging at Lotor's hair. The man groaned and sucked harshly at his throat, determined to mark him. He was faintly aware that the purple had faded from his veins but he didn't care at the moment.

Lance arched up into him suddenly, letting out shuddering breaths and soft cries as he came from Lotor only teasing his nipples. Lotor captured his lips once more, swallowing his moans as the boy calmed down from his high.

Lotor pulled away with a smirk. "So sensitive."

Lance pouted. "I- I haven't felt anything like that before!" He defended with red cheeks.

Lotor pulled away, letting Lance sit up and catch his breath. That's when Lance noticed Lotor's own situation. "D-do you want me to...?" Lance didn't finish, the words catching in his throat.

"I'm alright. I'll just need to take a cold shower." Lotor winked at him and got up from the bed, not giving Lance a chance to insist on helping him.

"Breakfast will be here in ten minutes." Lotor called as he entered the bathroom and started the shower. He stripped down and Lance watched him, eyes trained on Lotor's ass.

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