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Lotor's ship shook as the lions swarmed and fought off the fighters. They were far more coordinated this time around and quickly took care of Lotor's fighters and shot at the ship. They weren't trying to completely destroy the ship because they wanted Lance safe, but they focused on preventing them from fleeing.

Lotor growled in annoyance. "Axca, Narti, Zethrid, stay here if anything were to happen. Lance and Ezor, you're coming with me." Lotor ordered and led the way to the hangar.

"We are outnumbered." Lotor began as they walked. "We can't win this fight."

Lance rushed forward and slid his hand into Lotor's. "If I have to go back I will."

Lotor shook his head. "You won't be going alone. They can take us both."

Lance bit his lip. "What if they kill you?"

"They won't." Lotor sounded absolutely sure.

"I won't let them try." Lance vowed.

"Ezor, don't fight them if they take us. I want you to focus on building our fighter. I will contact you as soon as I can." Lotor turned to his general and her usual playfulness was replaced with focus.

"I understand." She replied calmly.

They stopped at the hangar and Lotor turned towards Lance. "Don't hold back." Lotor kissed him deeply before pulling away.

They entered the hangar and the door opened. No doubt it was Pidge's doing. Three lions entered and their paladins emerged.

"Lance, just come with us. We don't need to fight." Shiro tried convincing.

"I'm not going without a fight." Lance tossed his old bayard at the feet. "I don't need it anymore."

Keith grew angry. "Don't make me drag your ass back, Lance."

Ezor appeared at Lance's side with a sword and passed it to him. "Kick their asses." She whispered and glared at Allura.

Lotor had been training Lance with a sword and even though he still wasn't close to beating Lotor, he was confident he could hold against Keith.

Keith charged at Lance, his sword in hand and their swords clashed loudly, ringing their ears. It didn't matter as Lance blocked each of Keith's attacks. The quintessence had made him stronger and his arm gave him an advantage but Keith was a good fighter.

Ezor dodged Allura's whip and when it wrapped around her wrist, she went invisible and yanked. Allura nearly fell but quickly caught herself and looked around for Ezor, unable to see her. Ezor kicked her in the side and Allura grunted out, swinging her whip around frantically.

Lotor was dodging Shiro's attacks, not even bothering to grab his own sword.

Keith ducked Lance's swing but Lance grabbed Keith's blade with his metal hand before it made contact with his flesh. Lance didn't feel any pain and kneed Keith in the jaw. Before Lance could punch Keith, Allura's whip wrapped around his wrist and she pulled. Hard.

Lance staggered forward and growled angrily. He wrapped his hand around the whip and with surprising strength, he tore the whip out of Allura's hand and threw it across the room.

However, Keith had recovered and used his sword to slice the back of his knee open. Lance fell to his other knee and hissed in pain. He couldn't move. Panic began to swarm in his gut.

"Lance!" Lotor shouted and quit this game with Shiro and punched him square in the face. He grabbed his sword and Keith wiped his bleeding lip.

Keith was a good swordsman, but he was nothing compared to Lotor.

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