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After months of long sleepless nights, the empire was starting to thrive. They gathered many allies and some of them were leaders of planets that were once enslaved. It took time for people to trust Lotor but he proved himself by sending supplies to planets in need of them. There were small rebellions but they were swiftly dealt with.

Someone they have yet to see is Haggar, which is concerning. The witch could be plotting against them.

Lance and Lotor were talking about their bonding ceremony for weeks. Lance couldn't wait to go home. He even confided in Voltron, well, the humans for one since they also want to go home.

"Are you excited to see your family?" Hunk asked Lance excitedly.

"I am... I just hope I will actually be able to see them." They were going to go to the garrisons when they arrived on Earth. They should be expecting them from Pidge's father Sam. Hopefully they wouldn't have to answer too many questions.

"We will." Hunk tried to reassure him.

"Ready to wormhole?" Allura asked.

"Yup!" Lance chirped, buzzing with excitement. He couldn't wait to see his family again.

They decided to travel together in the Castle of Lions to avoid startling the humans. It wouldn't do them good to cause anyone panic and at least the castle didn't look as threatening as Lotor's cruisers. It was best for them to arrive as a united front.

They went through the wormhole and arrived at the Milky Way. They were descending upon the garrisons in no time and exited the castle to meet up with the familiar face of commander Iverson. Honestly, they were happy to see him too.

Pidge and Matt's father were there waiting for them with a beautiful woman and the siblings took off to hug their parents. "Mom!" Pidge sobbed as she clutched onto her mother. Colleen had tears streaming down her face as she held onto Pidge.

When her husband returned and told her that their children were safe... She had been so elated and happy but now that her children were home, she couldn't stop crying.

"You are all grown up," she whispered and touched Matt's cheek, her voice thick with emotion. "My babies."

"Mom, I've missed you so much," Colleen took off Pidge's glasses to wipe her tears.

"I missed you too baby, I was so happy to hear that you were safe and look at you!" Colleen couldn't be prouder of her children.

"It is good to see all of you." Iverson said to his former students. By no means was he an emotional man but he cared for all of his students and comrades.

"This is Emperor Lotor," Lance introduced. "He's the reason we were able to come home."

"Yes, Samuel told me everything that's happened." Iverson looked at Lotor in suspicion.

"You do not intend to attack earth?" Iverson asked Lotor with narrowed eyes.

"We didn't trust him at first but Lance helped us see who he really was. He is an ally and a friend." Shiro told Iverson sternly, knowing that he would trust his word. "It wasn't safe for us to return while Zarkon still held the universe in his hand, but Emperor Lotor defeated him. We can't guarantee that rebellions won't try to attack Earth, but we are more than capable to defend you."

"Rebellions?" Iverson asked in concern.

"There are many who do not approve of me being emperor." Lotor finally spoke. "But my most trusted will keep eyes on the Milky Way should they plan an attack."

"I understand you wish to see your families?" Iverson asked once he gave Lotor an approving nod. He didn't trust him but he trusted Shiro's words.

"Yes," Lance grabbed Lotor's hand nervously.

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