New Beginnings

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"Wow! This place is so beautiful," Lance whispered, looking around the beautiful vibrant and glowing wildlife. There were all sorts of flowers all around them and Lance fought the urge to pick every single one he saw. "Why haven't you brought me here before?"

"We haven't had the time with everything going on," Lotor explained. "But now feels like a good time."

Behind them was trailing Lance's family who were also trying to pick flowers, not sure if it was allowed or not.

Up ahead was a quaint village with small houses with children running around and adults watching over them with careful eyes. Despite its small size compared to the large suburban areas on earth, this village felt comfortable.

"This is a refuge planet for galran hybrids like myself." Lotor told Lance who looked up at his lover with a proud glint in his eyes. "They weren't safe in regular refugee camps because of our reputation at the time, so I had this place made."

"Wow." Lance whispered in awe and three children ran towards them.


Lotor kneeled down just in time for them to barrel into him, knocking him over onto his back as they hugged him tightly. Lotor's laughter was light as they all spoke over each at once, sharing all sorts of stories that made no sense.

"Who are you?" Someone tugged on Lance's hand and he looked to see a little with green, fluffy skin, purple hair, and yellow doe eyes. She was adorable.

"I'm Lance, what's your name?"

"Jewel." The girl smiled and started to pull him further into the village, other kids running around them without a care in the world.

Lotor joined him, with one of the boy's on his shoulder and a man walked out of the house, a little girl holding tightly on his hand.

"Lotor!" The man looked at Lotor in surprise before jogging over to pull Lotor in for a hug. "What brings you here? I haven't seen you in forever, I thought you were dead."

Lotor chuckled and wrapped his arm around Lance's waist. "I wanted to introduce you to my mate."

Lance flushed and he wasn't exactly a shy person but the way the man looked him up and down, taking him in, deciding whether or not he was good enough made Lance a little anxious.

The man's skin was a light gray, his eyes bright and red with curly white hair. He had a little stubble on his chin but he had a soft and kind vibe.

After what felt like an hour of being scrutinized, the man finally smiled and reached his hand out. "Nice to meet you, my name is Ascerick."

Lance shook his hand, his anxiousness melting away. "I'm Lance."

"He is an old friend of mine, Lance." Lotor grinned.

"If anyone is old, it's you." Ascerick glared and Lance snorted.

"You're practically ancient." Lance teased and Lotor pinched his hip.

"So, how did you two meet?" Ascerick asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and Lotor rolled his eyes.

"How much time do you have?" Lance smirked and Ascerick winked before gesturing to follow them.

"Well, here I thought Lotor was going to be alone forever." Ascerick snorted.

"Koya, put your shoes on!" A woman shouted after a child that came running out of one of the houses.

"Ezzie!" The little girl squealed.

"Hatchling!" Ezor opened her arms and the girl practically flew into her arms and Ezor spun her around. The little girl giggled uncontrollably.

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