Asking for Help From the Evil Witch

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"Paladins! Get to your lions now!" Allura shouted urgently over the comms and Lance hopped from his bed immediately to change into his armor.

Ready with his bayard he jogged down to the hangar and zipped down right into the red lion that immediately hummed to live.

"Good morning Red, how are you beautiful?" Lance would miss this feeling of being connected with the lions. It was unlike anything he ever felt before.

The red lion purred in his head.

"Ready." Lance spoke into the comms.

Allura was ready to go while the others were still on their way. He knew Keith was ready when he made a comment.

"Lance being first? I'm surprised since he is always last." Keith snickered and Lance just rolled his eyes. Not dealing with Keith anymore only made him more excited.

"Whatever, mullet, just focus on your job as leader but it hasn't even been five minutes and you're already failing." Lance quipped.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe let all your teammates know what the plan is so we don't go in blind?" Lance snapped at him, annoyed. He had a different plan but going in blind was stupid.

"You will be with me and Allura while Pidge and Hunk find the control room. We will look for Shiro from there." Keith explained and Lance rolled his eyes. Would have been nice to know that earlier.

"Yes sir," Lance mock saluted, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Lance, knock it off." Allura scolded.

Once everyone was ready, Lance pulled out the communicator Lotor had given him and pressed the signal to let Lotor know the plan was in motion. They went through a wormhole and flew the rest of the way to a ship. It had taken them nearly an hour to get there as they struggled to find the ship.

When they did come across the rather large ship, Lance noticed how empty it seemed. No other ships around and no fighters stationed outside. He supposed this was the work of Lotor and nearly bounced in his seat excitedly.

Pidge cloaked her lion and easily snuck onto the ship with Hunk. She probably didn't even need to cloak her lion with how deserted the ship was. 

The rest of them snuck in but it seemed pointless when they weren't met with anyone.

"That's strange." Lance murmured. 


"There's no one here." Lance told Keith and they walked through the halls on edge.

"Probably waiting to ambush us. Pidge, what's your position?" Keith asked over the comms.

"We're here and I'm looking for the prison." Pidge replied. "Sentries headed your way!"

Lance gripped his rifle and took a deep breath.

There were pounding footsteps in front and behind them. Lance turned and started firing as soon as he saw the sentries and didn't miss a shot.

He was hoping Allura and Keith would cover his back but he was suddenly shot in the shoulder.

Pain immediately flared in his left arm but he didn't stop shooting. He wasn't even able to move his left arm and grew worried.

"You need to run straight and take a left, right, and keep going straight. I'll tell you where to turn but you need to go now!" Pidge shouted over the comms and they battled their way through the sentries and followed Pidge's directions.

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