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He had dismissed the healer and stepped outside to let the druids do their work. After a while, he heard Lance screaming and wanting to run in there and kill the witch but without her, Lotor wasn't sure if he would live. His healer was good at his job and treated many of his and his generals' wounds, but they weren't often life threatening like Lance's.

He didn't trust the witch but if she believed him to be another one of his generals, he doubted she would try anything given the severe consequences if she did.

It felt like it had taken hours for Lance to stop screaming and Lotor let his doubt and fear kick in. Did he die? Was he alright? Would he hate Lotor and blame him?

The door opened and he quickly composed himself. He didn't need Haggar to see him in any vulnerable state.

"How is he?" Lotor said, his voice lacking any emotions.

"Stable but he was on the brink of death. We needed to use quintessence to keep him alive and connect his prosthetic to his nervous system. The prosthetic is made from titanium and will be stronger than his natural arm. It can be improved and modified however you wish. The quintessence may affect him but he will be fine under observation. Is he a new general of yours?" Haggar did not keep the distaste out of her voice.

Lotor narrowed his eyes. "Yes, he is one of my new recruits. Are you finished?"

"Yes, I have other business to attend to." Haggar bowed, her druids following her and they departed his ship. He let out a breath of relief once she was gone and entered the room.

Lance remained unconscious and was drenched with sweat and his veins were glowing purple, but Lotor didn't care as he picked the boy up into his arms and carried him to his quarters. Once in the privacy of his own room, he laid Lance down on the bed and carefully removed his suit and retrieved a bowl of warm water and a rag.

Lotor cleaned his body as best as he could without disturbing Lance and looked at his new arm.

The metal was melded into the flesh of his shoulder but the quintessence appeared to accelerate his healing. He hoped it wouldn't have any negative effects. The metal was silver and had ridges along the arm to allow him to bend it and the ridges glowed a faint purple. No doubt it would take him some time to get used to but Lance was strong. The scars will be grotesque but in his book, scars were still beautiful and Lance would still be captivating with or without them.

Lance began to stir and groaned when he shifted. His entire body was aching. What had happened?

Opening his eyes, he saw Lotor beside him and smiled. "Hi."

"Hi." Lotor was nervous. He hoped Lance wouldn't hate him for what happened. "How are you feeling?"

Lance tried to sit up but quickly gave up when his body protested. That's when he realized his arm was missing and was replaced with a metal one. Immediately, he began to panic.

"What happened?" Lance whispered, looking at his arm in fascination.

"You were wounded by one of my sentries. Their orders were to avoid harming you but they are fools." Lotor said angrily. "He was punished, but I'm sorry... The damage was too extensive to save your arm and you were extremely weak. I was forced to call the witch Haggar and she is the one who gave you the prosthetic." Lotor explained, anxious to see how Lance reacted.

"Oh..." Lance muttered and looked around. "Where are we?"

"My personal quarters. I wanted to look after you myself."

Lance hummed thoughtfully. "I mean, it doesn't look that bad." Lance tried lifting the arm and struggled to do so but he eventually held it up and flexed his fingers.

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