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"Lancey!" A voice shouted into the throne room and Lance, Lotor, and several others turned to look at the large group that was being led by Zethrid.

"They were going crazy, locked in their room." Zethrid told him and the twins grinned unapologetically.

"Sorry for cutting the day short yesterday. Did you sleep well?" Lance asked when his family reached them, noticing the looks of disgust on the commanders who were still present.

"You're dismissed." Lance said sharply and seeing the look of hate in one of the commanders eyes was enough to alert Lance. The other commanders began to shuffle out but that one remained.

"Zrolax, you've been given an order." Lotor's eyes were narrowed, his hand resting on his sword on his hip.

"I don't take orders from weaklings!" The man roared, finally having had enough. "You surround yourself with weaklings, Emperor! And now there's more? I will not have it!"

"Lance is my general and my mate, you will show him the proper respect." Lotor growled dangerously and the man hesitated but he would not have it.

"Zethrid!" Lance snapped and the hybrid ushered his family away from them to keep them out of the inevitable fight.

"Treason is punishable by death." Lotor drew his sword and the commander grabbed his axe from his back.

"Victory or death!" The commander roared and charged at Lance who calmly transformed his bayard into a spear and jumped back to avoid the swinging axe. Lotor caught it with his sword, his face drawn in concentration and Lance whipped his spear upwards and sliced through the Commanders arm, sending both hand and axe to the floor.

The commander screamed but reached for his axe with his other hand but Lotor stopped him by pressing his sword to his throat. Lance used the opportunity to stab his spear into the commander's remaining hand, the blade going through both hand and metal flooring, effectively pinning the man down.


Lance remained glaring down at the commander, even after hearing his mother's panicked scream. "Zethrid, get them out of here!"

"Come on, you don't need to see this," Zethrid said as gently as she could while guiding them from the room, occasionally glancing back to make sure the commander didn't try anything. "The little shrimp can take care of himself."

Once they were out of the throne room, Lance twisted his spear and the man let out an ear piercing scream. "You call me weak and yet here you are, on your knees."

Zrolax snarled at him.

Lance looked up to Lotor and nodded his head before yanking his spear from the commander's hand. Before he could even think of reaching for his axe, Lotor was already lifting his sword and he swiftly brought it down to the man's neck and his head was cleanly cut from his body.

"You alright?" Lotor asked and Lance nodded before retracting his bayard and reattaching it to his hip.

"I'm surprised he lasted this long." Lance grinned.

Lotor snorted. "Does that mean I won the bet?"

Lance rolled his eyes. "Yes, you won. Come on."

The pair made their way out of the throne room, leaving the body behind and Lance's mother was the first to crash into him. "Were you hurt?"

"No, mama, I'm okay." Lance smiled and she let out a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" Marco asked, his eyes wide and Lance pulled him in for a hug and Veronica quickly joined.

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