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"What is this plan?" Matt asked, crossing his arms as he stood beside his sister.

Matt was uncomfortable being around Lotor at first but meeting Lance had quickly replaced that with excitement. He liked Lance. He was fun.

"Voltron will offer to trade Lotor for your father." Lance started with a self assured nod. "Or rather, the other way around."

"I'm sorry, what?" Hunk was confused.

"Well, you won't actually be giving him to Zarkon. Lotor and I already discussed how we can convince Zarkon that Lotor has betrayed the empire." Lance grinned.


"His generals. If you allow us to contact them, we will set the plan in motion. They will retrieve Sam Holt and bring him to Zarkon. The girls will make sure he stays safe in the meantime." Lance explained.

"How do we know Zarkon will want to trade for Lotor?" Keith asked.

Lotor spoke up. "He has been looking for an excuse to kill me for decades now. With proof of my betrayal, he will accept."

"You seem sure about that. What if you turn against us?" Keith glared. He still didn't trust Lotor or even Lance for that matter.

"I had refugee camps in the past that my father found out about." Lotor began. "He slaughtered children in front of their parents and burned villages. He told me mercy was a weakness. All my life he has been a tyrant and I want to be free of him."

"Lotor is capable of killing Zarkon." Lance assured them. "He has more reason than any of us to want him gone."

Silence passed as everyone considered this plan. It was a good one but no doubt it was going to be extremely risky. If it all went wrong... no one wanted to think of the consequences.

"Contact your generals." Shiro agreed and no one protested. Even Keith kept his mouth shut.

"Use this." Pidge handed Lance a tablet they could use to contact the girls.

"Stay quiet. It's best if they don't see or hear you. The less they know about our alliance the better."

Lotor typed in the tablet and soon enough all of his generals were squeezed into the screen.

"My Prince?" Acxa asked in confusion. "Lance? Are you both alright?"

Lance couldn't help but smile fondly hearing her concern. "We're okay, Acxa, it's nice to know you love me too."

Acxa rolled her eyes but a small smile remained on her lips.

"I need you to do something for me, can you do that?" Lotor asked seriously.

"Of course, we will do anything for you." Acxa replied and the other girls nodded their agreement.

"Lance and I need you to retrieve one of my prisoners. His name is Samuel Holt and he works as a scientist." Lotor began.

"We will, but may I ask why?" Acxa was confused.

"Because we need you to go to Zarkon and tell him that Lotor has betrayed the empire." Lance watched their eyes widen.

"What?" Ezor cried in shock.

"I intend to kill Zarkon." Lotor saw the girls' shock fade away into understanding.

"What do you want us to say?" Acxa asked.

"That I am now allied with Voltron. Say that I betrayed you and killed Narti and before I could kill the rest of you, you escaped." Lotor told them.

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