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A strange alarm went off in the Castle of Lions. "What's going on?"

"Yeah, these have never gone off before."

"Allura? Are you alright? It looks like you have seen a ghost." Hunk noticed how pale she was and became worried.

"That's just the thing. It's an old altean distress code. One used by King Alfor's ships." Coran explained, looking rather pale himself.

"Could it be that we are not the last Alteans left?" Allura whispered, hope filling his eyes.

"What if someone is cloning the signal to lure us? Someone like Prince Lotor?" Keith tried to make some sense of the situation.

"The signal is from an Altean ship and we are going to find it." Allura's tone made it clear that she wouldn't hear any of their protests. Without much of a choice, they prepared the ship to wormhole to the location of the distress call.


"Amazing. Your theory about Voltron was finally proved correct." Acxa said in awe.

"I was personally hoping to see some fireworks when it hit that energy swirl. I guess all the previous attempts to get out were just more enjoyable to watch. For me, not for your pilots." Zethrid crossed her arms and Lance snorted.

"Voltron made it through because it is made of the same material of the comet King Alfor tried to hide from my father. No, let's see if the paladins bring it out for us." Lotor linked his fingers on his lap.

"But what if Voltron is unable to escape the other dimension?" Ezor asked.

"It's another reality, Ezor." Acxa corrected and Ezor rolled her eyes.

"What if they aren't able to escape the other reality?" Ezor glared at Acxa.

"If Voltron disappears from our world, then we win. If they make it out with the comet, we'll take it from them. Either way, it's a win-win." Lotor smirked and tapped his foot anxiously.

Lance pursed his lips and frowned but remained silent.


"It's Voltron." Pidge said excitedly while she finished gathering information from a fragment of the comet she got from the altean scientist in the other reality.

"What?" Hunk was confused.

"I mean, It's not Voltron, Obviously, but the readings from the comet are the same ones Zarkon was searching for. The same ones that led us to the blue lion." Pidge finished explaining.

"That's how you were able to pass through to our reality. Your vehicle was made from the same trans-reality material." The scientist began contacting General Hira.

"General Hira, I have found something that could continue our reign for a millena to come." He spoke excitedly but Pidge began to feel uneasy.


Coran, the mice, Lance, Lotor, Ezor, Narti, Zethrid, and Acxa watched as the ship that was stuck in the other reality and theirs disappeared.

Lance let out a cry of surprise and the others in the room turned to see his eyes wide with fear.

"Lance? What is it?" He stood from his chair and rushed to Lance's side.

"Hunk," Lance whispered, his voice cracking. "H-he is my best friend and like a brother to me. I can't lose him." Lance looked at Lotor desperately but the hybrid felt helpless. He didn't know what he could do to bring back Lance's friend.

"Let's wait and see what happens. They might come back." Lotor pulled Lance into his arms and whispered reassuring words in his ear. Eventually, Lance calmed down with the other girls showing their support.

Lotor pulled Lance onto his lap while they waited.

For what felt like hours, Voltron finally came back and relief washed over Lance as he finally let himself breathe. Lance was relieved to know Hunk was okay and hopped off Lotor's lap, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Fire at the castle and we take the comet." Lotor ordered and they got to work.

Acxa and Ezor split off into a cruiser and took the comet without much effort considering the paladins didn't even try to stop them. They returned to the ship with the comet now in their grasp.

Coran had tried getting their attention but they weren't responding, even as Lotor left with the comet. "Lotor has the comet now." Coran informed them when they were back online.

"He's always one step ahead of us!" Keith shouted in annoyance.

"Something as powerful as that comet, as powerful as Voltron, in Lotor's hands will make the galra just as powerful. If not unstoppable." Allura was frustrated and everyone let that settle in.


"Now that we have the comet, what are your plans with it?" Lance wondered.

"I was thinking of a fighter. The fight against voltron would be a fair one if it was made of the same materials as Voltron." Lotor explained and they agreed to the idea.

"Get some rest, we have a long day tomorrow." Lotor told his generals but paused when an alert popped up on the screen.

"Destroy any trackers on the ship and scan around us." Lotor watched as Acxa typed.

"Sir, there is nothing." Acxa reported and ran the scans again. Once again, no results showed up and Acxa frowned.

"Get some rest but keep an eye out." Lotor told them and took Lance's hand and led them from the room towards their own.

Once they got in the room, Lance let out a long sigh and changed into silky pajamas and climbed in bed. Lotor joined him moments later with no shirt. Lance moved to sit on Lotor's lap and ran his fingers over the scars littered across his toned chest.

Lance leaned down and kissed each one.

Lotor hummed and Lance leaned down to capture his lips, a small smile playing on his lips.

"This is nice." Lance laid against his chest. "Just you and me."

"Would you want it to last forever?" Lotor whispered.

"Yes. Only us forever." Lance smiled but frowned when Lotor had him sit up.

"Bond with me." Lotor held his hips and Lance's eyes widened.

"What?" Lance croaked.

"Bond with me." Lotor repeated.

"Bond?" Lance wondered if he understood what Lotor was saying.

"A ceremony that bonds us." Lotor explained. "A ritual where we drink each other's blood and connect our souls. It is a very sacred ceremony."

"Where I come from, we call that marriage." Lance laughed, still shocked.

"How would I ask you in human terms then?" Lotor tilted his head.

"Well, normally you would get down on one knee and show a diamond ring and ask me if I want to marry you." Lance explained and Lotor's eyebrows furrowed.

"Why would I give you a ring?" Lotor wondered.

"To show everyone that we belong to each other." Lance explained.

"I suppose I can get you a ring." Lotor hummed thoughtfully.

"Well, we would both wear rings, but I don't need one." Lance kissed Lotor.

"We can merge our traditions." Lotor muttered. "I do have a ring from my mother."

"Your mother?" Lance asked softly.

"She died giving birth to me but I had taken it from my father. He beat me for weeks but I never gave it back. I wanted something of hers." Lotor explained and Lance took his face into his hands.

"I would be honored to wear any ring you give me." Lance whispered softly. "And yes, I will bond with you."

Lotor smiled and flipped them so Lance was under him. Lance giggled as Lotor showered him with kisses. "I love you," Lotor said between kisses and Lance's abdomen hurt after laughing so much.

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