Love and Hard Decisions

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"We need to get Lance back!" Hunk yelled, surprising everyone considering he never raised his voice. But dammit, he was frustrated. They weren't even interested in getting Lance back. They needed to understand that he was their teammate too.

Hunk felt extremely guilty for how he and the rest treated him and he never once stood up for his best friend. Would Lance even consider him his best friend anymore? Hunk wanted to tell Lance how sorry he was and knock some sense into these people.

Hunk didn't blame Lance for giving himself to Lotor.

"They won't miss me."

Hunk wanted to scream from the top of his lungs in hope that Lance could somehow hear him. He wanted to get down on his knees and beg Lance for his forgiveness even though he didn't deserve it.

"We don't know what they're doing to him Hunk, or even if he is alive." Allura said softly, her voice laced with guilt. She too realized her mistakes as well the others. Keith remained the same as always.

"He's Prince Lotor's prisoner. Zarkon's son. It won't be easy to get him back." Keith reminded them.

"We have to try and keep trying! It doesn't matter how many times we fail, he is a part of our team." Hunk knew there was no way to convince Keith.

"Until we know Lotor's motives, we can't make any moves against him. We have no idea who he has following him. We would be running in blind and one mistake will lead us to all being his prisoners." Keith reasoned and Hunk knew that, but Lance needed them.

"We are also down a lion. We are at a disadvantage without Voltron. We need to keep looking for Shiro and try to recruit another paladin to pilot red." Eventually, everyone reluctantly agreed.


"Sir, we have activity from Voltron on planet Puig." Acxa reported while pulling all information on Puig they had on the large screen.

Lance stood beside Lotor and looked at the screen with a frown on his face. It did hurt that they hadn't even tried to look but at the same time, he didn't want to be found.

"Let them liberate Puig and celebrate their victory. We will visit Puig and show we are more trustworthy and make an alliance." Lotor held his chin in thought. "Take the rest of the day off. We will get to work tomorrow."

Zethrid went to go train with Ezor joining her while Narti and Acxa went off to do who knows what while Lance and Lotor returned to their room.

They were in bed and Lance was lying comfortably in Lotor's arms. They just talked for hours on end. About their lives and experience even if Lance didn't have much compared to Lotor's.

Lotor told him about a refuge planet where hybrids, like himself, were able to thrive without Zarkon or anyone else discriminating against them. How he had met his generals and took them under his wing and personally trained them. They had once been prisoners of Zarkon and forced to fight in the arenas. Lotor saw potential and saved them.

Lotor felt comfortable enough to show his altean side by shifting his skin to a beautiful golden brown and Lance enjoyed kissing the purple marks on his cheeks.

This connected them further. Both having parents that they didn't choose and defying expectations put upon them.

"I love you," Lance whispered, unable to deny his feelings anymore.

Lotor's eyes widened. "You love me? Why?"

Lance sat up with a frown on his face and he moved to straddle Lotor. "Because, like me, we didn't choose our parents nor did we become them. And considering who your father is, I am proud you found the strength to leave and not follow in his footsteps. That takes courage and you have a lot of it. Not to mention you're hot as fuck and have hair to die for." Lance grinned.

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