[Revelation]: Dancing With The Devil

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"I missed you with all my heart, my lovely Rabbit."

"Every single second that I have to share oxygen with a bastard like you, if I was given a choice to rip out my lungs, I would."

"But instead of staying stashed in the wealthy hole you bathe in, you decided to come to me," the man clicked his tongue, then a wicked smile appeared on his face, "You do miss me too, don't you? But you are afraid to admit that out loud."

She gritted her teeth as she added, "I am here because you hurt my people."

"Your people huh?" He smiled as he played his part, "The little guy up there? No, my dear Rabbit," he shook his head, "You are here because you lost your way, aren't you? You are trapped with me."

Smoked by the gas grenade, she got split up from her guards. Now, Athanasia stood at the threshold, locked in a room with a very dangerous man, Leonidas.

In the room framed by the dark and ruined wall against the deeper darkness beyond it, she couldn't see the open door before her, nor the fragments of broken glass that litter the flagstones beneath her boots.

"How about we make a deal?"

"I don't make a deal with the devil."

"The devil?" Leonidas let out a burst of laughter and said, "I am King and with a pretty face like yours, you can be my queen."

"You and me? Hah! Go the hell back to whatever delusional fantasy you are having inside that head of yours."

"Still arrogant and stubborn as I remember."

"Then you ought to remember that the De Algers bloodline detests your guts!!"

Leonidas sighed, but persuading still, "If Obelia and Sparta combined as one, you with your wealthy establishments and I with my military power, every single soul out there will bow before us. And we can forget everything that happened today, right here, right now, so we can go home and discuss about our future, Love."

"Don't you dare call me that."

He could tell that was the button to get under her skin. But the way those blue crystals bored into his blackening soul seemed to have shaken his core slightly as well. Nevertheless, Leonidas' face was far from being sane as it was smothered by the dimmed light from above his head.

"How long has it been since we last saw each other? Months? Years?" The tall blonde man asked aloud, ultimately to himself because he was wholeheartedly ignored. He continued, "Arlanta City... Who would have thought you have been hiding here, in my territories, under my nose."

"It is the simplest of things," Athanasia said, "to hide in plain sight."

"Talk about hiding in plain sight," He scanned her body from head to toe as he whistled, "Damn, you have gotten a lot prettier as the years went by. Do you think you can hide your curves with those clothes? Why don't you stop playing soldier girl and come play with me instead? We have a bed in the bunker so let's have some fun—"

Athanasia now hovered her fists, and Leonidas' eyes followed the graceful, circling movements of her hands. A simple turn, just one elegant step, brought her fist forward, and Leonidas' body toppled backward.

Her limbs flowing lithely around her body, she whirled to the side, sending a jab out in a deadly arc. Another hook cleanly punched his ribcage, a liver punch, as much an act of mercy as self-defense.

His lips frothed red and he could taste more than a little of the iron.

With a body that fed on nothing liquors and lust, even if Athanasia held back, he wouldn't even be able to dodge it. But the thing was, she didn't even give him the time to dodge.

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