46: Lovesick

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Lucas sighed but ultimately, he took my hand. Our thumbs crossed and our palms glued. It was like a mini handshake but more of me pulling him up from the ground.

But damn, this guy weighed a ton compared to Kiel. I almost floated 9f if it wasn't for me digging all my heels to the floor when I let him use me as an anchor to get up.

"Just because you're reasonable," he grunted again as he let go of my hand. "Sorry for shouting earlier, too."

"It's a mutual understanding."

He grunted, putting his hands in his pocket.

"Dinner should be ready in about an hour or so. But be careful, I might poison you."

"Coming from you, I doubt so."

"Don't be too naive."

"I get that a lot but I'm not one of those girls in those fairytales."

"Whatever," he mumbled and started walking to the door.

But I remembered something so I caught the sleeve of his shirt with just my fingertips.

He glanced at me, slightly annoyed. "What?"

"Thank you, Lucas," I abruptly said and his brow shifted upward.


"What do you mean 'For'? You fixed my shoulder," I added the rest of the context.

"And got punched by your boyfriend and also you in the gut in return. Sure. You're welcome."

"I said I was sorry... We are sorry... And we appreciate the help a lot. I mean it."

Lucas sighed and ruffled his hair, annoyed. Or embarrassed, I wasn't sure.

"At least someone was grateful," he commented sarcastically under his breath.

Then I whipped my head to Kiel who had to silently listen to all of the conversation. 

"Now, Thank your friend," I told my fiance.

"Nah. Fuck him and his 'Thank'. I don't need it from the like of him," Lucas cut me off as he glared at Kiel.

"And I'm not doing this shit again," he added as he headed to the door without looking back and banged it shut.

It's probably because I was in the same room as them that it didn't get out of hand. In a way, the boys did listen to us, Athy and I.

Back in Arlanta, it was suffocating to see them at each other's throats over everything and I could understand why.

But this time, Kiel really pissed Lucas off...

After Lucas disappeared from the room, I took a sigh of relief and went to sit on the bed.

Surely, Kiel followed behind closely and quietly but the closer he got to me, the further I retreated from him.

"How is your shoulder, my dear?"


"Do you want me to prepare you a bath?"

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"How about you get some rest while I do so?"

"I'm not tired."

"Have I done you wrong?" He asked when he sensed my energy.

I sighed loudly, and said, "It's not me that you done your wrong."


"God... I want to punch you so bad..."

"Please do not stress the arm, my dear..."

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