1: Awaken

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Before the incident...

"What did I say about staring at my face? Huh!"

He spat away the blood in his mouth, then wiped the red stain from the corner of his lips with his thumb and said quietly, "I wasn't... staring. You know I wasn't staring. So what do you want from me now?"

"Alright. Fine. Let me be blunt. Orphans don't belong here. Go back to the center, you stray."

His eyes landed on the scattered papers on the ground near his bag. Letting out a deep sigh, he reached his hand toward it. It came close, but a foot stomp hard on his hand and he couldn't help but let out a howl of pain.

"Yeah. That's right. Pack your things and go crying back to your fake daddy's arms."

Clutching his hand with his others, his eyes shot up to meet the bully. "Leave my father alone."

"How diluted. Y'all are not even bound by blood," the boy laughed, "Man... You got some serious daddy issue, you street rat. And that old man didn't really do a good job when he let this rat into the building huh?"


The raven-haired boy roared as his fist soared. It cut through the air with force, knocking his opposing side to the jaw, and making him stumble backward until his back hit the wall. Then he grabbed his opponent by the shirt and pulled him back into his waiting knee.

His victim fell down on his knees and hugged his stomach, wailing in pain. But the invisible pleading was inaudible for the other boy.

His blood thirst was raising slowly but surely.

Wanting to finish this once and for all, he raised his arm to the air, his elbow bent into a ninety-degree angle. A single blow to the back of the skull could end it all.

Then no one would humiliate him or his father again.


He roared as he was about to become an executor of this fight. But before his elbow could reach its target, a hand caught his wrist tightly.

"That's enough, Lucas," said a man, slowly releasing his grip.

Lucas' eyes widened slightly before started protesting, "But he jumped me and insulted you! Us!"

"You need not defend my honor nor does it matter. But You need to know when to stop. You have much to learn, son." he said, earning nothing more but a disapproval grunt from his boy.

He gave Lucas a pat on the head before crouching down to collect his paper and put it back in the bag, then gave it to his son.

"Time to go home, kiddo," he said as he was the first to walk to the car.

Lucas looked at his victim who slowly began to regain consciousness before tossing his bag over his shoulder, carrying it with one hand.

"They've been picking on me for weeks," Lucas said as soon as he got in the car.

"We will discuss this at home."

"They said I don't belong here..."

"Lucas... Have you ever thought that they resent you because you are destined for more? And deep down, they know that. I have no doubt that you will accomplish more...," he said, reaching out his hand to pat his son's head again. The boy let out an annoyed grunt, but his face said the opposite, especially the blush on his face.

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