[NSFW] 17: My First

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Athanasia shrieked as her body flew onto the massive mattress, bouncing a few times. As she propped herself up by the elbows, the bed squeaked.

"I- I thought we were supposed to take a shower!"

"Oh, that's just a finishing round. But what is a dessert without an appetizer?"

It creaked more and she could feel her gravitate to the incision when Lucas slowly climbed and crawled toward her on all four, not in a precipitous fashion.

Blushing red, she backed away, almost reaching the bedhead, only to have her feet dragged, legs spread, and he went in between, grounding his hips against hers where he rubbed his clothed erection against her core, making her moan loudly.

His mouth quickly cut her moan off. His hands slowly dropped below, seeking her bare skin, fumbling to open the buttons but when he did, he pulled back completely and knelt in front of her, leaving her ever so dumbfounded.

"Tell me what to do," he said firmly before she could ask.

Athanasia swallowed even though her mouth was now dried. Finally finding her voice again, she yelled, "Just... Do you!"

He tut-tut, and said, "You have to be specific. Tell me how you want to be pleased."

She covered her face and mumbled to her hands, "Kiss... Me?"

"That's it?"

She nodded, still hiding underneath her palms.

She heard the bed screech again then a split second later, both of her hands were pinned on top of her head with just one hand, and that was when she could see the smug expression on his face.

Lucas nipped teasingly at her ear before whispering in a husky voice, "As you wish, Your Highness." He always had a unique way of addressing her compared to the rest and the way the words rolled off his tongue made her blush even harder and she could feel her underregion pooling with need.

The kiss he gave her was soft and sweet, lingering, his hands cupping her face, leaving her light but heady. She sighed as he deepened the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck to draw him in closer.

"More? Or less?" He asked again, breaking the kiss.

She could only gape as he descended down and she automatically opened her mouth waiting. He smirked again, dodging the kiss when she lifted her head slightly, trying to connect with him.

"Stop playing!"

"I am not," he said, "So use your words."

Slightly annoyed, she yelled, "Kiss me damn it!"

He blinked before bursting into laughter before leaning in and pecking her on the lips once, nice and quick.

"Done," he said, his chest vibrating against hers as he laughed. "You looked disappointed," he added.

He noticed the flush on her cheeks as she looked the other way, whispering, "Stop messing around and just... Touch me..."

"We will have to work on that, but... That's good enough for now."

He chuckled as he descended down and kissed her with a loud wet sound. Athanasia's eyelids fluttered closed as she let herself be led in the kiss; her heart beat fast as she felt Lucas' embrace grow tighter, his lips giving way to their tongues.

She moaned softly as his tongue slid into her mouth, tentatively tasting her, orienting himself to how she felt in his embrace. It's like a dance, she realized, and she closely followed his lead; her tongue pressed and slid against his.

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