44: Refugees Of The Snow

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"Now relax," Lucas who was sitting beside me on the bed said.

I took a deep breath in as he told and he grabbed my wrist and elbow with his hands, bending it to my back. I hissed painfully, feeling the locked movement on the rotator cuff.

"Found it."

"Is it serious?" Kiel asked and Lucas clicked his tongue.

"Shut up and let me work, Whitey."

Lucas tapped me twice on the uninjured shoulder, letting me know he was talking to me now.

"I will give you a countdown. I don't need to warn you that it's gonna hurt like hell, right?" His voice became slightly lower in volume when he talked to me. He probably didn't want to shout at my ear.

"There is nothing she cannot handle."

I looked at the person who gave me both moral support and trust.

'Everything will be okay.'

I saw the words through his eyes and I smiled at him.

"For god sake, Stop flirting for five seconds, will ya? Once I'm done, flirt all you want. I need to go back and check on my Pikachu too you know."

Right... Athy was alone in the room, on the other side of the private cabin.

Just a moment earlier, Kiel carried me into the wooden shelter so fast that he left the car engine on. He said he didn't want me to catch a cold. Lucas did the same, if not running inside faster with Athy in his arms.

From a point of view, it was like they were racing who would get inside first.

I swore these two boys loved to make everything a competition and complicated.

Weirds way for dudes to bond together.

While we girls would rather discuss how stupid and dense our boyfriends could be sometimes when they failed to pick up our cue. We usually gossipped about them over a cup of tea.

I just wished Athy would be sober soon so we could talk again over a cup of hot cocoa by the fireplace. But my cousin was still asleep and still as a lodge.

And here we were...

As soon as we found a room for Athy, my fiancé urged Lucas to fix my shoulder as soon as possible. Which annoyed the heck out of Lucas, I must add, that he seemed tired. We all were at this point. We hadn't even unloaded our luggage from the car nor had we had dinner.

I was suggesting that we could eat the dried food from the emergency supplies boxes at the back of the car.

But as prideful as Kiel could get, he told me that we weren't that desperate yet and there ought to be some local restaurants close by.

I wasn't going to mention the miscalculation and rubbed it on his face, but from the look of it, there was no close by restaurant. I highly doubted there would be any delivery service since our phone's signal was dead anyway.

The weather was rough and it was getting rougher. The temperature was dropping fast and the snowstorm began. We could hardly see the road because there were barely any lampposts on the street.

This was a very rural area and people seemed quite conservative from the look they gave us each time Kiel got out of the car to ask for directions. It was like those city kids visiting the farm and the farmer kids going to an amusement park for the first time.

But it was a different story when we arrived at the wooden cabin. As if he was expecting us, he waited outside with a very bright lantern and led us to this place right away. He was even kind enough to share with us some vegetables and proteins for us to cook when he heard about the conversation about the place to eat.

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