28: What Would You Change?

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The two lovers exchanged glances and the fire inside of them sparked. As the battle was about to begin and the war to be waged, a small cough, hinting disturbance resounded next to the door. Sacrifice

Lucas and Athanasia turned to the source of the sound at the same time. Like a fish on dry land, Athanasia's mouth gaped and hung.

"I... We... It's not what it looked like," she stammered.

"And I am not standing by the door for ten minutes, but... It's good to see you up and denying again, Athy," said Lilian.

Still standing by the door with a tray and array of items in her hand, Lilian trailed, "Should I... go back or..."

"Come in!" Athanasia invited. "We are not doing anything!"

"Yet," added Lucas.

Embarrassed, Athanasia scrambled to get off her boyfriend. Her knee climbed and dug into Lucas' stomach, leaving him groaning loudly, squinting his eyes shut in pain, and rolling around.

This was the so-called, I woke up and I chose violence.

Lilian smiled to herself, watching Athanasia muttering her apology under her breath as the girl rested her hands on Lucas' chest, rubbing in a circle. Moreover, Lilian was surprised at how Lively Athanasia had become as soon as Lucas could move again.

Finding comfort when both of them seemingly returned to their usual selves, Lilian walked in and placed a bowl of water and cloth on the nightstand, next to the bed.

"I know you two missed each other a lot, but, do try to... Refrain yourself from engaging in any sexual activity," the woman spoke nonchalantly with her usual sympathetic expression once both of their attentions were on her.

"Lily...! I... It's... We are... Not....!" Still flustered, Athanasia looked at Lucas, hoping he would say something to help her out.

She was expecting him to be as nervous as she was, but not only was he not affected, he would just wiggle his brow at her and his lips would curve slightly. She thought he deserved a smack to the head right now if it wasn't for how labored she was feeling.

"She started it," Lucas said, basically throwing his girlfriend under the bus. "I'm innocent... I just woke up."

"Why you..!" Athanasia gritted her teeth and balled her fists tightly.

Then Athanasia jumped a little when Lilian's hand dropped on her shoulder,

"You look better already. Did you get more sleep today?" the older woman asked.

Athanasia nodded.

"Hold on," Lucas suddenly said as he stared at Athanasia, "This is her being Better? She looks like she hasn't been sleeping for days..."

"Are you... calling me ugly?" Athanasia asked, eyes squinting and Lucas raised his hands to the air.

"Hey, you said it, not me."

"Well, a good partner would sacrifice as such to ensure that their significant other half would have a speedy recovery. So who do you think has been taking care of you?" Lilian asked.

Before Lucas could answer, and he didn't even need to, Lilian topped her hand on top of Athanasia's head, and added, "It's just... this little girl here was worried sick about you to the point where we couldn't tell who was the real patient here."

"We all took care of you, Lucas," Lilian said. "Even though we were told many times that you were just... Sleeping comfortably and you would eventually wake up, but it didn't go as we thought. It's just no one could rest when you were out."

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