14: Bear My Fangs, Lick My Wound

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The threats were already gone, and so was his energy. Just like being stripped out of permanent mana flow, a gush of fatigue hit Lucas like a truck. The relentless anger that surged a while ago unknowingly drained a substantial vigor, leaving him drained.

"What the fuck was wrong with me..."

He mumbled into his hands before shaking off the numbness in his head and left the main building to where his house was. Their house.

He touched the side of his stomach. Athanasia's quick response to tend his bruise was great. It helped plenty, despite that, it hurt. But he was sure there were more ice cubes in their fridge at home somewhere. If not, he may have to ask her for some balm or ointment.

Worst-case scenario, she didn't have it and she may have to sneak into Lilian's room and search the stash of fist aids just to find something for him. Would that blow their cover? It likely would. So maybe it would be better if he maned up and sleep through the pain until the ice froze by the morning.

Pass-by guards saluted him along the way and he got used to the treatment by now, but he was tired of nodding or raising his hand to acknowledge their existence. It was Athanasia's natural reaction to smile and wave at them, but since she was not there, he had to do what he had to do.

The further he walked, the thicker fog became visible as he blew hot air from his lungs. Rubbing his hands together, he looked for more sources of coziness and put his hands in his hoodie pockets to keep warm.

It didn't take long for him to stop in front of the door, unknowingly smiled to himself when he heard scratches and barks from the inside.

"Hold on, hold on," he repeated, pulling the keys out of the pocket and unlocking the main entrance.

As soon as the door was opened, the big black dog thumped his paws on the tile vigorously, excited to see his dad but he knew there was a strict rule of not jumping onto him. Although that happened when they reunited for the first time, Lucas let it slide.

Still overwhelmed with happiness, Raven twirled and swirled; his black fur flying all over the place. Lucas crouched down and the dog overcame his excitement and sat down as well, panting in front of his dad's face.

"You didn't pee inside the house, did you?"

The dog barked once in response and Lucas smiled.

"Good boy...," said Lucas, rewarding the big pup a pat on the head before standing right back up and to the side. "Go potty and come back inside. Then after that, I gotta groom you again if you actually want to have a chance to stay in the bedroom."

The dog whined.

"I know, bud. I hate shedding reason. It's a lot of work for me too ya know. But I don't want your fur clogging the air conditioner or getting stuck on Mommy's clothes. Who knows which one of those people got an allergy?"

Raven let out a repetitive bark.

"True. Not your fault. Now go do your business fast and hurry back inside. It's freezing out here."

And the dog bolted right out, hopping onto the silver grass that was almost covered in snow outside. His snout buried into the white sheet with curiosity before starting to roll around to his heart's content.

"I told you to go potty, not making a snow angel, damn it! And the snow ain't even that thick enough!"

There was no way Raven would understand anything he said. Or maybe he did understand, but the dog was too busy playing with the snow to care.

Lucas sighed as he closed the door after letting himself in. His dog would let him know when he was ready to come back inside.

"It's warm..."

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