3: A Sip Of Power

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Lucas watched in awe as people in formally dressed started to gather at the main entrance.

Yet it felt like this inlaid path, an honor guard of ten thousand elite warriors had marched in Athanasia's wake, and the cheers of the returning heir had shaken the city. The guards locked their gaze on the car, heads hung there still, declaring the arrival. She who bore his glory and power had returned, to lead them into a new wondrous age, the President promised.

Still, a handful dared to dream of a return to the birth of place. Indeed, more recently, the place had been changed from the heart of the sun.

However, after years of growth and prosperity, the failed ascension of Obelia's previous leader, her uncle, Anastasius De Alger, left the company in ruins. The tales of the Company's former glory became little more than myth and her father ruled the place rightfully as his among the eyes of displeasure.

Few dared to rebel - those that did were crushed without mercy by the 'unworthy' or the 'tyrannical' half-blooded heir, Claude De Alger. She learned it the hard way after months of being held captive.

"Who... are these people?"

"They are my dad's guards."

"Is that Felix?" Lucas asked, narrowing his eyes at the familiar face whose arms held straight and rigid to his body, staring in their direction. "He looks... pissed. What did I even do?"

"Stay here. I will confront him."

Her smile started to fade, and she broke out of his hold. It was like he was seeing two different people in the same person. Even her intonation changed.

"The term Confront is a little too much. It's not like you're sneaking out of your house or something," he said, looking at her but it was her who avoided his gaze.

It took him only a moment before his eyes went wide and he would almost snap at her if it wasn't for his self-control.

"Athy... Answer me..."

"I may... Or May not still... Under house arrest."

"Don't tell me they're here to lock you up again!"

"I... did leave here with a short notice... or rather... I didn't tell anyone at all... Just... Ezekiel... and he set everything up... for me..."

"You and your little stunt again!!" He yelled, grabbed her by the shoulders, and shook her lightly, "How do you even plan on getting out of this time?!"

"And yelling at me is going to help?!"

His mouth hung open, trying to say something, but his brain couldn't compute anything that would help him put it into words.

As if something came up, he released her unbuckled the seatbelt, and held the door, trying to get out but she yanked him by the collar.

"Where do you think you are going!?"

"Talking to Felix?"

She snorted and said, "Hah. The last thing I want is you and 'Negotiation' altogether in one sentence."

"Hey! You didn't even give me a chance to try to solve the problem!"

"Oh please. You solve problems with your fists," She said, treating the collar of his shirt like a leash to get him away from the door, "If you knew how to use magic, you would blast everything to crisps."

"Now you are speaking my language. So let meh-GAH! STOP PULLING!"

"You listen up and stay put!!"

"Alright fine! But! Stop treating me like a dog will ya?!"

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